mer moon x child reader

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thought of the most ADORABLE story...where YOU are the adorable one...heheheheh



your a 2 year old.. your name is y/n... your whole world is your house... and what's beyond is a different world.. 

all you know now is that mama is carrying you... you love mama... she's the best! she gives you food, and hugs, and when you want her attention she'll give it to you as well!! she's very big and strong! picking you up whenever you want...YAY!

she suddenly puts you on the floor and walks away.. hhmmmm.... you tilt your head and look around... you could call her... but this place is so interesting! and you learned how to crawl all by yourself!! hey there are a lot of kids over there... and a big blue thingy... the whole room is a big blue thingy.. you crawl closer to the blue.. HUH!!! there's a small thing in the blue thingy!! its small... and has weird things all around it... one big stuck to he's butt.. and its moving it... you try to reach your hand but there's a glass between the blue and you.. you huff in annoyance as the little orange thing is looking at you and then gets away... how does it float??? it doesn't even have LEGSSSS?? whaaaa?? you watched the orange little thing with big curious eyes.. as it floats away.. 

you crawl after the orange thing.. you want to touch it!! you crawl and crawl.. and then you reach a place where the ground slowly turns into stairs.. down to a dark room.. and there's glowing things in the dark!! HUH! you like glowy things!! YAY! you smile happily as you go down the stairs.. you know how to go down the stairs!! its easy! all you gotta do is turn around.. and get your legs down.. then your butt.. then your you look back and forth carful not to fall!

you reached the end.. its so darkkkk... you see the glowy thing!!! "ahhabbaba!!!" you squeak in excitement as you clap your hands. you crawl and reach a very dark blue... the glowy thing is in the very dark blue.. but the gllaassss uugghhhh.. 

you slowly stand up on wobbly legs leaning on the glass as you look inside.. you see 2 red glowing eyes.. you tilt your head.. it tilts its head too.. you smile bright! you suddenly see a very big thingy... it doesn't have legs.. but has those flowy things all around it.. it slowly glows in the dark reviling itself to you. you stare at it eyes wide, it gets closer! you shake your head and smile! wow that's soo biiggg!! it tilts its head as it gets to eye level.. floating, you try to touch it but the glass is in the way! you smack the glass where it's face is. it looks at your tiny hand and places its very big hand on yours you chuckle and squeal clapping your hands! it has HANDS!!! YAY! ITS LIKE YOU!! you smack your two hands on the glass "abban...hhaaloooooo!!" you say waving a hand just like how mama told you to do!! "hhllloooaaa" with a huge smile you wave your hand at it.. it smiles a small smile and waves back you giggle.. 

it suddenly turns upside down!!you gasp and clap your hands!! with squeals of joy! you take a step back looking down at your wobbly feet.. you then spin around but in the middle of the spin you fall on your butt with a yelp. you blink and then burst out laughing falling on your back and then turn on your knees and hands looking up to see the big forgot what mama called it.. she showed you pictures of it... but you forgot....something like!! yeah! that's definitely what mama called it!! 

you stand up again and leaning against the glass "aassssaaar!!!" you say happily as you smack the glass it smiles and does a noise. you giggle and do a noise too! he then floats up and does a lot of circles every time he does one he turns to you and does a BOOP to your nose! like mama does! and every time he does you burst out laughing and giggling!

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