mer sun/mer moon x pregnant reader

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You walked into the fammiliar building, fazwaters co. An underwater zoo, the biggest one in the country actually, and the one that holds the most number of mers  On the continent. They have dozens of different typs of mers, from the harmless ones to the most dangerous, from the tiniest to the biggest. Name the mer and they have it, and as much as you hate the idea of keeping mers like that instead of letting them just be free out in seas, you work there.. its an ok job, paying a lot. And this way you could see if they watch over the mers the right way, and not hurting them..

Your a hendler for a couple of mer there. Youve been given the most amount of dangerous mers to care for, cause your pretty good at your job! But a weird thing that hapend, they found a weird pair of mers, one is highly dangerous... but the other is not... and actually, he can be a pretty good meal for the dangerous one, but they seem very close.. so yeah, those are your mers, aka sun and moon, sun is a clownfish mer, his so harmless that ppl let children pet him sometimes, well.. his kind.. not him specificly, they cant get him out of the tank without moon, who is a anglerfish mer, a predetor, and quite dangerous, he almost killed a coulle of staff there..

But somehow, you managed to capture his attention.. you dont even know what you did, you just talked to them like their humans, ramblanig on and on about your every day problems and asking them questions, which were answered by fishy jibrish, you just took care of them right. Fedding them 3 times a day, giving them the fish they preferd, cleaning their tank, sun was very fast to warm up to you, even going so far as to hug you every time you enter their tank area, moon was a bit tricky, but after a while he warmed up to you too (after a couple of times he almost drouned you. but we're not talking about that.)

Theyre both very clingy and affectionate with you, and you like to return the favour very much!
Giving them kisses and hugs, petting their pretty fins and skales..

Its been a month since you broke up with your boyfriend.. he was a god guy.. you guess you just couldnt work anymore.. you wish him the best really.. it still hurt though.. and sun and moon were there for you, bringing a smile to your face every time.. you once even fell asleep in their tank, oh boy, your co workers went crazy panicing over you. It was hallerious.

Today it was just like every other day.. kindaish.. ok you had some new to tell your boys, and you wonder how they will take it, youve been feeling a little weird lately and decided to do a pregnancy test.. and it turned out positive. You were pregnant! Your pretty excited actually, you always wanted a kid of your own! You wonder if sun and moon will be happy or not. Sun you assume will be happy like always.. moon though.. your not sure..

As you entered the area of their tank, you giggle as you see sun waving at you enthusiastacly from the glass, swiming in circles and clapping his hands, chirping loudly and happily, you wave a small wave and continue up the stairs to enter their tank, you slowly open the gate and close it behind you, tile floor turns into a sandy small 'beach' as you walk in further, sun emerges from the watter, chirping and cooing happily at you, you smile a bright smile at him as he drags himself closee to you "hey my little sunny-bunny!" You say happily cupping his face in your hands, he smiles happily and your contect, immediatly nuzzling into your touch, purring in delight, you smile a fond smile, givving him a little peck on his snout. "Your my lil good boy!" You coo, and he coos back, givving you a small lick on the cheek, you giggle as you wipe his silava off, you yelp when you feel arms suddenly wrap around your torso and before you knew it your lifted off the ground, a deep werble in your ears "mmoooonpiiee!"  You say happily as you giggle, he growles at the nickname, hugging you tighter against him as he nuzzles into your neck, "sorry to wake you up sweetie, I didnt know I did this much noise when I got in." You giggle as he snifs you, the tickling sensation has you squirming aa you giggle "moonie! Hehe, stopp!" You push him away a little bit, both of them have a bright smile on their faces, "ok, so I guess you both wonder why I came early today." You say while sitting down on the sand, petting your sides for them to lay next to you, they both perk up, not waisting time before wraping their bodies around you, nuzzling into you while you pet their fins..

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