1000 reads

26 3 0

Knowing that 1000 people have taken time out of their day to read my vent book – whether as a victim or survivor, or as a supporter – makes me feel overwhelmingly proud of myself.

I only started sharing my story to help other victims or survivors, and to raise awareness of everything surrounding SA/r@pe and all of the effects it has on myself and other victims/survivors.

I was only 14 when it happened, and I'll be turning 20 in 2024. Not to make this dark, but I didn't think I would've made it past 15. Sometimes I still have doubts, as you may have read in previous chapters about my attempts; but I'm glad I'm here and I'm glad I'm making a difference, even if it's only something as small as a vent book with 1000 reads.

Thank you all for your continued support, my dms will always be open to you all if you need a vent, want to rant, have a question or just some support from someone <333

I love you all so much and thank you all again (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

I love you all so much and thank you all again (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

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And Happy New Years. I hope you all have an amazing 2024.
I'll be bawling at midnight because I'm not a teenager for much longer

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