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Someone in my life made a confession to me about a historic sexual assault last week.

I know I can't say how sorry I am that they experience that in person, because of the way they are, so to get the thoughts out of my head, I wrote this for them.


‘Forty years of hiding your pain, never telling a soul, until the two, you told today.

Not feeling safe enough to tell, knowing you wouldn't be believed even if you had.

Never reaching out to get any help, just hiding away; letting it eat its way through you, for years upon years.

Thirty-five years later, I'd feel the same way.

You didn't make me feel safe either.
So I never told you.
No matter how much I wanted to.

She was my groomer, he was yours too. She was a student, he was a priest.

We were both children.

It wasn't our fault.’


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