When they make jokes about it

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What to do if someone make a joke about rape

R@pe is no laughing matter. It is a violation of someone's consent and it is a serious crime.

However, it's hard to know how exactly to react to jokes about SA, whether in person or online. It's important to question them though, as these sorts of jokes fuel r@pe culture and normalise assault.

R@pe are often, but not always, made by those in cultures or subcultures where sexism or victim-blaming are more commonplace.

It might not be easy to stand up to those who make jokes about SA, and you mjgjt here some of these common responses when you do;

‘But it was funny’

‘Get a sense of humour’

‘Lighten up, you take everything to seriously’

‘Can't you take a joke?’

How should we react?

Just walk away
Ideally we'd all feel empowered to speak up whenever we hear someone inappropriate about SA. However, if you don't feel comfortable speaking up, for whatever reason, the best thing you can do is express your disapproval and show that it isn't funny by walking away.

Turn it into a discussion
Point out that their joke contributes to r@pe culture and start a conversation on how to combat it. Everyone should wj away when a new perspectives which could help chop away at the culture as a whole. You can also educate yourself with facts and statistics to back your arguement and better educate your audience, when the time comes.

Express your discomfort
Sometimes starting a discussion isn't the appropriate reaction to a r@pe joke, or you may just not feel like educating someone, and that's okay. You can still show someone that their joke made you uncomfortable by saying "I'd appreciate if you didn't make jokes about r@pe' or even by asking them to explain it, everting knows a joke isn't funny if it needs explaining.

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