April 24th

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April is sexual assault awareness month, otherwise known as SAAM.

April 24th has been dubbed as 'national r@pe day' by a group of six disgusting, vile, evil men in 2021.

They had made a video on tiktok, urging other men to commit mass sexual assaults on women during the day of April 24th, knowing the significance behind the month of April and sexual assault.

Since the 'invention' of this twisted idea, there has thankfully been no proof of an increase of assaults during April 24th, but that still doesn't make it okay and it will never be okay.

The idea that six men all agreed that making a day where it would be okay to commit such a heinous crime for 'fun' or as a 'joke' makes me feel sick to my stomach. These men all have mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, partners and the idea of any of them ever having a daughter terrifies me.

And they most certainly know survivors of sexual assault.

It was never funny.
It will never be funny.
Those six men are despicable.

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