Hey, I, uh, totally didn't forget to upload... hehe...
Well, to make up for it, you'll get a double-update :D
Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy!!
-Shuzuku Higami
↜3rd Person Pov↝
"Hm... Gon and (Y/N) aren't here yet..." trailed Killua off, continuing to walk around the people, trying to spot his friends. He knew that the time limit was almost up, and he hoped that he would find them soon.
"Killua! Found you!" called a voice he recognized. He turned to the side, watching as (Y/N) approached him, smiling. He released a sigh of relief, knowing that if she was here, then so was Gon.
He immediately took note of her ripped sleeve, then noticed it tied around her thigh. As soon as she reached him, he asked: "What happened to you?" She followed his gaze, saying: "Hisoka happened. Had to safe Gon."
His eyes widened as he stared into hers. If what she said was true, then why wasn't she scared? Or upset? Or anything other than calm?
"You okay?" she asked him, causing him to look away, saying: "I should be asking you that." "You're all so worried about nothing. It doesn't even hurt anymore." she told him, shrugging her shoulders.
"Gon's over there. With Leorio and Kurapika." she said, taking his hand into her own. She pulled him with her, saying: "Come on." "W-Wait!" he said, almost stumbling over his feet as she simply continued to drag him.
"Gon, I found him." said (Y/N), smiling as they approached their friends. Gon turned around, smiling brightly at them. "Killua, you made it!" he said, happy that his friend wasn't lost in these woods.
"I can't believe you actually got here... I thought you were done for." said Killua. (Y/N) let go of his hand, saying: "You should've seen it. Gon has an amazing sense of smell. I would've totally been lost otherwise."
Gon simply smiled, saying: "I just tracked Leorio's cologne." "That was it? You definitely are weird." "Like you're any different." noted (Y/N), chuckling at her own remark. Killua shot a playful glare her way, saying: "You're one to talk."
"Excellent work, everyone. Phase Two of the exam will occur here, in the Biska Forest Park. So, I shall take my leave. Best of luck to all of you." said Satotz, starting to walk away just as strangely as ever.
It was then that the huge gate behind the applicants started to open itself. From within, a female voice said: "Will all applicants who passed the First Phase please enter? Welcome. I'm Menchi, the Second Phase examiner." The way bigger man that sat behind her said: "And I'm Buhara, the other examiner."
Once everyone had gathered, a loud, grumbling sound was heard. "Wh-What was that sound?" asked someone from the crowd, to which Menchi looked up at her partner. She said: "You must be hungry." "I'm starving..." trailed Buhara off.
Menchi stood up, saying: "There you have it. Phase Two will involve..." She paused, causing everyone to tense up, not sure what to expect after that first test.
"...cooking!" she finished, causing confusion to break out among the contestants. "Cooking?" "Wait, cooking?!" "We're here to take the Hunter Exam!" said some applicants.
Hearing this, Menchi said: "That's right. Your challenge for the Second Phase is to produce a dish that will satisfy our palate." "Why do we have to cook?" "That's because we are Gourmet Hunters."
"Huh?" A man from the crowd began laughing, some others joining in. "Man, what a letdown." "They're Gourmet Hunters." Menchi was getting more and more annoyed at the applicants, and it showed on her face.
"So, Gourmet Hunters, what are we supposed to make?" asked a man, showing no respect towards them whatsoever. "Buhara." said Menchi, causing her partner to stand up. He announced: "The required ingredient is pork."
"Oh, there are pigs nearby?" asked (Y/N), more herself than anyone. Gon looked at her, asking: "We have to get them ourselves?" "Would make sense. What else do you do when you're on a mission out in a forest or something?" said Killua, shrugging.
Buhara said: "You're free to use meat from any species of Biska Forest pigs. You must use the cooking facilities here to prepare the pork. And you only pass if we both find it delicious."
Menchi added: "And we will evaluate more than just the taste. Don't underestimate the intricacies of cooking. Got it? When we've both eaten our fill, the exam will end."
"We get it. We get it. Let's just start." said the man from before, sure that this would be an easy task. Menchi crossed her arms in front of her chest, with Buhara saying: "Then, the Exam's Second Phase begins now!"
With that, the applicants started to rush into the forest, wanting to find some pigs to cook for these Gourmet Hunters. An easy task, right?
↜(Y/N) Pov↝
"Catch a pig and cook it. This is way easier than the First Phase." said Leorio, causing me to look up at him. Killua noted: "I hope it will be that simple..." Gon suddenly jumped down the hill to our right, sliding down the grass.
Killua immediately copied him, and I did the same. Gon didn't move, and Killua ended up sliding into Gon. I hit Killua's back, saying: "Sorry.", right before Leorio and Kurapika crashed into me, pushing me closer to Killua.
"What was that about, Gon?!" asked Killua, to which Gon simply said: "Found them." "Oh, pigs!" I called out, pointing to our right, where a bunch of massive pigs stood. One of them was even chewing on a bone.
"Uh... They're chewing on bones." noted Leorio, clearly taken back. Kurapika said: "Don't tell me... They're carnivores?" "Pigs eat everything, really." I said, approaching them. "(Y/N), don't!" called Kurapika, but I didn't listen.
I walked up to one, asking: "Can I cook you?" It turned to face me, an angry expression suddenly on its face. "Uh... Please?" It began to run, causing me to start running as well. The others joined me, and we ran from the pigs.
While we passed some other applicants, I said: "Watch out!" However, they weren't as quick as we were. The pigs simply ran over them, threw them in the air, and rendered them useless.
I climbed up a tree. A pig ran into the tree, wanting to hit Gon. The whole tree shook, causing me to almost lose my balance. A few apples fell down, hitting it on its forehead. It fell to the ground, and Gon quickly hit its forehead once more with his fishing rod.
"Oh? Could their foreheads be their weak points?" asked Killua, causing me to look at him. "So these pigs evolve strong noses in order to protect their soft foreheads." concluded Kurapika, to which I said: "Alright, got it."
Killua hit a pig with his skateboard, Kurapika hit one with his wooden sword, Leorio hit one with his briefcase, and some guy straight up elbowed one.
I picked up a stone from the ground, aiming it at a running pig. It was charging straight at me, giving me the perfect opportunity. I threw the stone, hitting it right on its forehead.
The pig fell to the ground, sliding on the ground, stopping a few feet away from me. I grinned as I walked up to it, with Gon saying: "Now we all have a pig!"

Gladiator [K.Zoldyck X fem!Reader] (HxH)
FanfictionBattle. Blood. Entertainment. That's all she had known. This was the reason she was born. Her destiny. She was told to fight, to kill, to hunt for the rest of her life, to entertain those that paid. Not wanting to be told what to do any longer, she...