16-What a child

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Double-update time :D


↜3rd Person Pov↝

"So we can't do anything?" asked (Y/N), looking at her friends. Gon shrugged, saying: "Seems like it." "Tch... Damned technicalities!" complained Leorio, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Killua said: "But she's right." "I agree." said Gon, causing the (h/c) haired girl to nod, adding: "It's a death match. If no one dies or surrenders, it won't end." Turning around to face their blonde friend, Leorio said: "Hey, Kurapika! Go finish off that worthless trash."

"I refuse." replied Kurapika shortly, causing Leorio to throw a fit. "Why?!" "The fight is over. He'd already lost his will to fight when I punched him. I will not fight someone who's lost." "Screw that! Then what should we do? They're claiming that the match hasn't ended!"

Without looking up, Kurapika answered: "Let him handle it. Once he wakes us, we'll have our answer." "Hey, now... We only have so much time left. We can't afford to just sit and wait!" "I have no intention of killing him!" "Come on!"

"I'll do it!" Surprised to hear the female voice, the two turned to face (Y/N) and Killua, who had joined their conversation. (Y/N) had raised her hand in the air, repeating: "I can kill him, if you want to."

"Yeah. If you don't want to dirty your hands, we'll do it. You haven't ever killed anyone before, right?" asked Killua, to which Kurapika kept quiet. The white haired boy asked: "Are you scared?"

Closing his eyes, Kurapika answered: "I have never considered whether murder is frightening. But this is a one-on-one battle. You aren't permitted to interfere." "Too bad. I really wanted to help out." said (Y/N) with a sigh, disappointed that she couldn't help her friend.

"But we're working as a team, so you shouldn't be too selfish." noted Killua, in a matter-of-fact tone. Leorio, clearly surprised, said: "Oh! You do say useful things sometimes! Keep it up!" He then turned to face Kurapika once more.

"Don't you understand that you're screwing up our chances?" he asked. Still not looking up, Kurapika answered: "I'm sorry, but I won't change my mind." "You stubborn fool... Fine! A majority decision... O to kill him, and X to leave him alive. Ready, and..."

Once they had pressed the buttons, they waited for the screen to show something, only to realize that nothing happened. "Why isn't it working?!" asked Leorio, starting to lose himself. Gon asked back: "Maybe it's because we're asking the question?"

"Huh?" Killua stated: "The watches only work for questions presented by the examiners." "So what now?" asked (Y/N), looking back at Kurapika.

She did understand his lack in motivation to continue the fight. Fighting someone that already lost made for a bad show, after all. That's what she had learned rather quickly. But why not just kill him and move onto the next round? She was getting bored by this.

"Then we'll use a show of hands! Those who agree that he should be finished off... Now!" called Leorio out, quickly raising his hand into the air. He opened his eyes again, his grin immediately leaving his face.

No one was copying him. Leaning closer to Killua and (Y/N), he angrily said: "You traitors...! Weren't you just offering to kill him yourselves? We're supposed to be a team! A team!" "But it's pointless! He's not gonna change his mind." noted Killua, looking back at Kurapika.

(Y/N) nodded her head, adding: "Besides, it's his decision. Just like it was Gon's prior." Being fed up with them, Leorio turned to face the other boy. He asked: "Hey, Gon! Why do you oppose killing him?"

"Kurapika's right. He was on the verge of surrendering. Let's wait for him to wake up." he answered, looking up at Leorio. Clicking his tongue, the much taller teenager said: "We don't know how long that will take. I should just-"

"You shouldn't force others to do things." cut Tonpa in. "Different people have different circumstances and ideals." "No one asked your opinion!" "Hey... A majority ruling implies that you're asking everyone's opinion." "Damn it! Fine! Do whatever you want!"

Gon said: "Now he's sulking." "What a child." added (Y/N), shrugging her shoulders. Killua said: "Just leave him alone."

↜(Y/N) Pov↝

"Killua~ I'm bored~" I said for the umpteenth time, clearly getting on his nerves. We were currently sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall behind us. "Then do something." he told me, obviously fed up with me.

Releasing a sigh, I let myself fall onto my side, my upper back and head now laying on his lap. I reached my arms up, saying: "But I don't know what to do..." He turned his head to look away from me, his cheeks taking a light, reddish color.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried to come up with something to do. Play a game? Already did that. Annoying someone? Currently at it. Continuing the Exam? Now that's what I want to do.

"I wanna fight." I mumbled out, staring up at the ceiling. "Is something wrong, Gon?" asked Killua, gaining my attention. I sat up, looking over at Gon, who was looking towards the center of this big room.

We walked up to him, and he pointed towards the guy that was still laying on the ground. "Uh-huh." he hummed, drawing our eyes over to that guy. "I get it..." said Killua, making me look at him. "Wait, is he...?" I trailed off, causing him to nod.

Going up to the others, Killua said: "It's quite possible that he's already dead." "What did you say?" asked Leorio. Gon answered: "Well, it's been several hours, and he hasn't moved an inch."

Leorio quickly went to the edge of our side, saying: "It's too far away for us to tell. Hey! We want to check his body!" He got louder as he spoke, calling out to the prisoners on the other side.

The female prisoner asked: "What's that?" "He could already be dead." "I already told you, he's only unconscious." "How many hours has it been? I can't just take your word for it!" "Then let's make a bet." suggested the prisoner, causing me to raise my brows.

A bet? Now? Is this another round? "On whether he's dead or alive." added the prisoner, clearly smiling underneath her cloak. "What would we wager?" asked Leorio, to which the woman answered: "Time."

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