↜3rd Person Pov↝
"What? You're here on a tourist visa?" asked Killua, looking at his friend. Gon grinned, humming. "Uh-huh." "Didn't you pass the Hunter Exam? You could've just used your Hunter License. It lets you stay in other countries for as long as you want."
Leorio sighed quietly, saying: "That's what we said." "I've already decided. I'm not using the license until I've finished what I need to do." stated Gon seriously. (Y/N) tilted her head, asking: "And what do you have to do? Can I help?"
Gon shook his head, then pulled the tag with the number 44 on it out of his pocket. He said: "The tag that Hisoka gave me! I'll return it to Hisoka when I punch him in the face! Until I do that, I won't use my Hunter License. I can't go back to Whale Island, either."
"Oh, so you just wanna punch him?" asked (Y/N), grinning at her friends' confidence. Killua, who was sitting next to her, asked: "So, where's Hisoka?" At that, Gon slumped his shoulders, saying: "Uh..."
"Thought so..." trailed Leorio off, rolling his eyes. Kurapika looked at his hands that were resting on his lap, noting: "I know where he is, Gon." "Huh? Really?" asked Gon, a hopeful look now in his eyes.
Leorio asked: "How?" "He told me." "So that's what he said during the Exam..." "No, this was after the orientation." "But it's still related, right?" "Sort of." "I've been itching to ask... What did Hisoka say to you?" asked Leorio, looking at his friend with a serious expression.
Kurapika's eyes met Leorio's as he answered: "He told me that he has information about the Spider. I do not recall mentioning the Phantom Troupe to Hisoka. So either he overheard our conversation during the first stage, or he heard it from another."
"Why a spider, though?" asked (Y/N), looking up at Kurapika, who sat to her left. The blonde boy looked down at her innocent eyes, answering: "The spider is the Phantom Troupes symbol, so those familiar with the organization refer to the Troupe as such." "Makes sense."
Kurapika said: "I was interested in his information. After the orientation, I asked him about it. Yorknew City on September 1st." "September 1st?" repeated Leorio, with Gon noting: "Then you've still got over half a year. What's going to happen in Yorknew City?"
Snapping his fingers, Leorio said: "They'll hold the world's largest auction." "Correct. From September 1st through September 10th, there will be an auction for unusual items, rare goods, and national treasures from around the world. The event attracts all manner of nasty folk who come looking to satisfy their greed. It's the biggest gathering of money in the world." added Kurapika.
"Uh-oh. Sounds like something my parents would attend..." trailed (Y/N) off, shuddering at the mere though of seeing them again. "It'll be fine." said Killua. She smiled, saying: "It'll be fine with you guys there!" "Y-Yeah..." He turned his head away from her, not wanting her to see the light blush on his cheeks.
Getting back to the topic, Leorio asked: "So the Troupe will be there?" "They're a group of bandits. They would not let this chance escape. So on that day, Hisoka will be somewhere in Yorknew City." explained Kurapika.
"Got it. Thanks." said Gon, smiling at his friends. (Y/N) nodded, saying: "Alright. September 1st it is. Let's all punch Hisoka in the face!" Gon had to laugh at that, with Killua playfully rolling his eyes. (Y/N) grinned, saying: "What? I'd gladly punch some sense into that damned clown."
↜(Y/N) Pov↝

Gladiator [K.Zoldyck X fem!Reader] (HxH)
FanfictionBattle. Blood. Entertainment. That's all she had known. This was the reason she was born. Her destiny. She was told to fight, to kill, to hunt for the rest of her life, to entertain those that paid. Not wanting to be told what to do any longer, she...