↜(Y/N) Pov↝
I ate the chocolate that Killua had given me as I hummed a happy tune I came up with. Killua, who sat next to me on the couch, asked: "Man, how long do we have to wait?" I shrugged as I threw the wrapper onto the coffee table.
"Hey, Gotoh!" he called out, but no one answered. He then went towards the door, opening it, and asking: "Anyone around?" I followed after him, saying: "It's already late. Maybe they went to sleep."
"No, they should still be up now. What's going on?" I let out a yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked, grinning at him. Killua copied my expression as we both said: "Let's snoop!"
It wasn't even long until we reached a room where a bunch of noises came from. Killua opened the door, asking: "Gotoh, is Gon here yet?" As soon as I laid eyes on the three people, I picked up my pace, dashing towards them.
"Gon! Kurapika! Leorio!" I called out, jumping over the couch they were sitting on and trapping Gon in a hug. The impact of my body against his send us off the couch and onto the ground. We were both giggling like little girls as we smiled at the other.
"(Y/N)! So you really are okay!" he called out, his expression filled with relief and joy. "Of course I am! I'm me, after all!" I said, grinning. It was then that someone hit me on my head, causing me to let go of Gon.
I looked up at the culprit, only to find Leorio glaring right back at me. He scolded: "How dare you vanish for three weeks without any warning! Never ever do that again, you airhead!" I playfully rolled my eyes as I pointed at Killua, saying: "But I found Killua."
It was then that the three of them looked over at the mentioned boy, who was smiling at us. "Killua!" called Gon out, jumping back up onto his feet. Killua smiled as he said: "You're here, Gon! Along with... uh, Kurapika? Liorio!" "Leorio!"
Sighing, Kurapika asked: "I'm just an afterthought?" I smiled as I shook my head, saying: "He's just messing around. I think." Kurapika smiled a little at me, as Killua said: "It's been a while. I can't believe you all came. What happened? Your face is a wreak!"
Gon laughed as he pointed at Killua and me, saying: "You guys don't look any better!" The three of us laughed as I placed an arm around each of their shoulders, pulling them into a small group-hug.
Killua continued to laugh, his cheeks slightly red. Gon laughed as well, saying: "(Y/N), you're too strong!" I grinned, letting them go as I stated: "Sorry. I just missed us being together is all."
"Hey, Gotoh." started Killua, his attention now on the head-butler. "I told you to let me know as soon as they arrived. What were you doing?" Gotoh bowed, along with the other butlers. He answered: "Forgive me. I had them participate in a little game." "A game?"
"I wanna play..." I said, a small pout on my lips. Gotoh said: "It was nothing more than a poor joke. I apologize for any aggravation. Did you enjoy yourselves?" Leorio scratched his head as he said: "That was really good acting..."
"What? Did they try something?" asked Killua, to which Gon said: "No, they were entertaining us." "Really? Well, whatever. Anyway, let's go somewhere else. Anywhere else, right now. If we stay here, my mother will give us an earful!"
I chuckled, saying: "She doesn't seem to like me very much. Let's go!" "Yeah!" agreed Gon, going to take his backpack. Before we left, Killua turned to face the butlers once more, saying: "Hey, Gotoh. Listen up. I don't care what Mother says. Don't follow me. And don't even think about doing anything to (Y/N). I won't hold back."
I tilted my head a little, looking at my friend. "Understood. Please take care." said Gotoh, bowing. Deciding to drop it, I began to walk towards the door, taking one of Killua's and Gon's hands.
"Let's go on an adventure together!" I called out, smiling brightly as I sped up a little, pulling the boys with me. They quickly caught up with me, and Leorio and Kurapika followed as well as we left.
↜3rd Person Pov↝
"And then, Killua's Gramps said that I could see him. So, I went there and rescued him! Just as planned!" declared (Y/N) proudly, having just finished explaining where she was those past three weeks.
Leorio stared at her for a moment, then muttered: "You're one scary girl..." Kurapika, who had heard him, chuckled, saying: "But she's a good friend." "That's... true. But still." Gon asked: "Is that were you got that from?"
He pointed at her cheek, where Killua had patched her cut up prior. She nodded, answering: "Yep! Milluki said that he would make me look ugly, so that Killua wouldn't like me anymore. But that never happened, so..."
She trailed off at the end of her sentence, shrugging her shoulders. Killua tensed up as he lowly said: "I should turn back and kill him, after all." "I already told you, it's fine." she told him. "But he hurt you!"
Smiling, she stopped in her tracks, placing both of her hands onto his cheeks, cupping his face as she leaned a little closer. She said: "But I'm fine. Or do I look upset to you?" Killua swallowed the lump in his throat, then answered: "N-No."
"There you have it!" she said, still smiling as she let go of his face, continuing to walk, taking his hand into hers while she was at it. Killua looked down at their intertwined hands, a small, barely notable smile appearing on his lips.
"So you guys are a thing now?" asked Leorio, looking at his friends. Killua's face immediately flushed red as (Y/N) simply tilted her head, asking: "What does that mean?" "Leorio, don't!" called the white haired boy out, slight panic present on his flustered face.
The older teenager simply grinned, saying: "You see, innocent (Y/N), that means that you and him are-" "One more word and I'll-" started Killua, only to have Leorio sigh in defeat, saying: "As much as I like to tease you, I don't wanna die by the hands of a kid. Sorry, (Y/N). You gotta figure it out on your own."
She pouted, then looked up at Kurapika, asking: "Can you tell me?" Kurapika thought for a moment, then pulled out a small piece of paper. He asked Leorio for a pen, who gave him one with a questioning gaze.
The other four watched as Kurapika wrote the answer to that question onto the small paper. Killua blushed as he tried to snatch it out of Kurapika's grasp, embarrassed by the thought of (Y/N) finding out what 'dating' meant. Knowing her, she would ask a lot of questions, and he knew that he couldn't deal with that. Way too embarrassing.
Kurapika simply handed the paper to (Y/N), saying: "The answer to your question is written on that paper." Killua turned to look away, only waiting for the bombards of questions to start.
"You're so mean, Kurapika. You know that I can't read." His head snapped back as he stared at (Y/N) with wide eyes, slowly asking: "You can't... read?" She shook her head as she answered: "Nah."

Gladiator [K.Zoldyck X fem!Reader] (HxH)
FanfictionBattle. Blood. Entertainment. That's all she had known. This was the reason she was born. Her destiny. She was told to fight, to kill, to hunt for the rest of her life, to entertain those that paid. Not wanting to be told what to do any longer, she...