↜Killua Pov↝
"So? Who's my opponent?" asked (Y/N), standing on her spot in the arena. "That would be me." said a rough, raspy voice. A man stepped up, stopping only opposite of her. His physique was stronger than the other ones.
Should I have gone last? This man looks quite capable. No. She should be able to win. She did boast about her fighting skills, so I believe she should be fine. Even the way she was moving when we were playing with the old Chairman was exceptional.
She'll be fine.
And yet, why am I so on edge? Is this how she felt earlier? "Does she have no fear?" asked Leorio, bringing me out of my thoughts. Kurapika shook his head, saying: "No, she does. She was shaking when it was Killua's turn. But now..."
"She'll be just fine." said Gon, smiling brightly. He turned to face me, asking: "Remember when she managed to land a hit on Netero?" "Wait, the Chairman?!" Gon nodded at Leorio, saying: "Yep! Just look when she fights!" Gon's right. She did manage to surprise Netero. I should relax.
"We meet again, Ace." said her opponent, taking his cloak off, reviling his face. He was scarred, but that was it. Just a buff guy that can probably fight quite well. (Y/N) remained frozen in place for a moment.
She then said: "I thought you died. I won, and you lost." "Seems like the heavens are on my side. Because I've been craving nothing but pure revenge on you, Ace." he spat, his voice filled with venom.
Uh-oh. A personal grudge. Why does she know this guy anyway? She took her fighting stance, lifting her hands up, balling them into fists, saying: "It's either that, or hell just wants to see you suffer even more."
"Tch. Still so full of yourself. I'll teach you a lesson, Ace. The usual rules. No exceptions." he said, to which (Y/N) immediately agreed. "Didn't expect anything else. Ready?" "I'm always ready to kill you."
With that, they began fighting. He ran at her, sending attack after attack her way, which she all blocked with her arms. It's incredible. She looks so small compared to him, and yet she can stand her ground. She's not even budging in the slightest!
"(Y/N)! Damn... This isn't fair! She's a young girl! Can't we stop this?!" asked Leorio, clearly panicking. I never took my eyes off of the fight as Kurapika said: "We can't stop them now. Their fight has already begun." "But she's-"
Leorio stopped talking the moment (Y/N) began to attack her opponent. She aimed precise punches and kicks, managing to push the much bigger guy away from her. This is... fascinating.
She was moving with such grace, such perfect movements, yet managed to deal quite the damage. Now I see. She truly is a skilled and talented fighter. Twisting her body, using her own momentum and speed, immediately overwriting her lack in height by simply overpowering her opponent... All while not even breaking a sweat.
"It's like she's saying 'look at me'... Like she wants us to watch this fight." said Kurapika, closely watching the fight. Leorio added: "Not just us. It's like she wants the whole world to watch her."
My eyes widened in realization. This is what she was made to be. A powerhouse with the ability to captivate everyone. The perfect entertainer for a Colosseum. A true Gladiator.
I felt my heartbeat increase as she jumped into the air, delivering the last kick to her opponent's face, causing him to fall to the ground, exhausted. She stood up straight, then asked: "Still alive?"
The man grunted in pain, struggling to stand back up. But he did manage to do so. "Not giving up, huh? Do I matter that much to you?" she asked, cracking her knuckles. The man answered: "You took everything... My pride, my title, even my name... I was the Ace! It was me!"
She only stared at him as he yelled: "I want my life back, you piece of shit!" Releasing a sigh, she said: "You don't get it, do you? I never wanted that life. That's why I'm here. But." He looked at her with pure rage, his whole body beaten and bruised.
Within less than a second, she had appeared before him, saying: "You're not cut out to be a Gladiator. You're just a loser." His eyes widened as her fist made contact with his chin, sending him to the ground immediately.
It was absolutely quiet as she stood over her opponent, asking: "You dead yet?" "I-I'll... k-kill you... I-" Before he could continue, she sat onto his chest, starting to beat his head. This is... brutal.
"Hey..." trailed Leorio off, stepping forward. She continued to beat the prisoner without mercy, blood splattering around them, some even landing on her. Despite how gruesome and cruel this scene was, I couldn't look away.
No one could. This was her field of expertise, after all. Fight for the win, while also entertaining the ones that paid. In other words, murder someone in front of a cheering crowd and make it look interesting.
She suddenly stopped, looking at her opponent's beaten face. She checked for a pulse by putting two fingers on his neck. Then, she stood up, facing us with a cold, almost threatening expression.
If I didn't know who she truly was, I might have been scared. So cold, so void of any emotion. Only pure blood lust. She raised her fist in the air, loudly claiming: "I won!"
The atmosphere was incredibly dark as she casually walked back towards us, a smile back on her lips while she wiped her opponent's blood off her face and hands. As soon as she stepped foot on our space, she asked: "Why didn't you guys cheer me on? Was I not good enough?"
"No, that's not it." I said, with Kurapika adding: "It's just... Brutal." "Hm? Yeah. That's how it's supposed to be. He suggested we play by the usual rules, so it's really his fault." she replied, shrugging.
"What rules?" asked Leorio, looking at her in shock, and a little bit of fear. She turned to face me and Gon, asking: "You didn't tell them?" "No, we didn't." we answered at the same time.
Looking back at Kurapika and Leorio, she said: "I'm a Gladiator. The Ace of the Colosseum." "Eh? You?" asked Leorio, having a hard time believing it. "Yeah." "But... A girl like you?" "It's true."
"The way she fought... He stood no chance from the beginning." stated Kurapika, quickly adding: "And despite how horrible it was to watch, it was... entertaining." Hearing this, (Y/N) smiled brightly, saying: "Then I did good! Mom and Dad will be- Oh, right. I ran away from them."
She chuckled a little, then said: "You don't have to stare at me like that. That guy there was the previous Ace. He's the main cause for most of my scars, so he got what he deserved." She shrugged.
"And the rules are simple. Any weapon, any tricks, to the death. He wagered his life and lost. It's as simple as that." she explained, not even glancing back at her opponent. Rather, victim.
I placed a hand onto her head, ruffling through her soft, (h/c) hair, saying: "You did good. Better than expected." "For real?" she asked me, her eyes shining in that unique, addicting way. I returned her smile, saying. "For real."
Suddenly, a door was opened for us, gaining all of our attention. "Oh, we won the game! We can continue now!" said (Y/N), back to her usual self. Gon smiled at her, saying: "Let's go!"

Gladiator [K.Zoldyck X fem!Reader] (HxH)
FanfictionBattle. Blood. Entertainment. That's all she had known. This was the reason she was born. Her destiny. She was told to fight, to kill, to hunt for the rest of her life, to entertain those that paid. Not wanting to be told what to do any longer, she...