Not Comfy With Songs Written

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Raquel usually loves all the songs that R6 writes, and there had been times where she needed to get used to a song before she liked it. There has never been a time where she hated the song that was written and going to be recorded. But, today was finally the day that she, for the first time, flat out didn't like a song that R6 wrote.

They had just written a song called Red Velvet, and while the beat they planned out was good, Raquel was not a fan of the lyrics at all. She's always been not comfortable with songs that talk about what Red Velvet talks about. The others don't know though because she always thought that not liking songs like that was ridiculous for her, especially at her age of 20. She would think that she would be used to it by now, but she isn't, and now that they have wrote a song about stuff like that, she didn't know what to do.

She was just relaxing after they just got done finalizing the lyrics to Red Velvet, and she was freaking out on the inside. She didn't know how to tell them that she was not comfortable with the lyrics for the song. She didn't know if she even wanted to tell them that she doesn't like it because she's scared of how they will react.

She heard Rydel knock on the door. "Come in sis."

Rydel came in, smiling. "Hey sis. Everything okay? I could tell something was up as we were writing Red Velvet. You can tell me anything."

She nods, but she knew it was a lie in her heart. "Yeah everything's fine. I've been feeling sleepy a little bit lately, so maybe that's why I looked like something was wrong."

She nods. She could low key tell that it was a lie, but she didn't want to bother her about it much and make her upset. "Okay. Just wanting to check on you. I don't like the feeling that something is wrong with you, so I just had to check on you to shake the feeling."

She nods. "I appreciate that sis. I love you."

"Love you too sis," she says, smiling. "Well, if there is anything wrong at one point, don't be afraid to tell us okay? We want to be there for you when times are rough."

She nods. "I will let you guys know definitely." She yawned, stretching a little. "I think I'm going to take a nap now. My body is kind of fighting me right now."

She nods, starting to leave the room. "Have a good nap sis. Talk to you later."

"Talk to you later sis," she says. She laid down fully in her bed, immediately falling asleep.

Rydel went downstairs where the others were. She was worried about Raquel, but not because of her feeling sleepy and wanting to take a nap. She was worried that she was hiding something from them. She just had a feeling she was lying that nothing was wrong. She could see it in her eyes and her body language besides her being tired.

Riker could pick up that Rydel was worried. "You okay sis? You look like you're worried about something."

She sighed softly, sitting down next to him. "I feel like something's wrong with Raquel. She did not seem happy while we were writing Red Velvet, and I tried to talk to her about it, but she said that she was fine. I feel like she's lying about that though, and it worries me."

He got worried hearing that. "Oh no. I wonder what's going on with her."

"I wonder too. I'm so worried, but I don't want to push her to talk about it if she doesn't want to."

He nods. "Let's just let her take her time to come to us about what is possibly wrong."

She nods. "Yeah." She gently leaned on him, sighing. They were watching TV, and while Raquel napped, the others did that.

*a week later*

They had just recorded Red Velvet for the first time, and Raquel was not happy. She still didn't feel comfortable with it because of what is talked about in the song. She sang and strummed her guitar to the beat, but she was not happy to be doing it.

They went upstairs, and Raquel went upstairs to her room because she could feel tears in her eyes, and she did not want to cry in front of the others, especially if they could tell she was not happy during the recording.

She got to her room, and she felt tears stream down her face. She let them go, sitting down on her bed and buried her face in her hands. She felt ridiculous for feeling like this, but she can't help what she is and is not comfortable with. You never can't help that, but yet she felt so bad. She feels like she should tell the others about how she feels, but she's scared of how they will react to that, so she hasn't.

She heard a knock on her bedroom door and she quickly wiped her eyes to stop from crying and to avoid looking like she's been crying. Had she been heard? She hoped not. "Who is it?"

"It's Ellington," he said gently. "May I come in?"

She sniffled. "Yeah you can come in."

He came in and gently closed the door behind him. "I was coming upstairs to mine and Rydel's room when I heard you crying. Everything okay?"

She sighed when he said that. So she was heard crying. Great. She tried to not cry again. "Y-Yeah everything's fine Elli. I don't know why I suddenly felt like crying."

He could tell that was a lie because of her stuttering. "Raq, I can tell that you're lying and that there's something wrong. Please tell me." He gently sat next to her so if she wanted to lean on him or cry into her shoulder, she could.

She leaned on him gently when he settled down, tearing up a little. "Please don't be mad about what I'm about to say... I've been so hesitant to talk about this because I don't know how you guys are gonna react..."

Ellington teared up hearing that. "I won't be mad at all, and I'm sure the others won't be mad either. Just please tell me."

She nods, taking a deep breath to prepare herself to talk about it. "Well... I'm not comfortable with what Red Velvet talks about, and I was so hesitant to record it with y'all today. I forced myself to though because I didn't want to tell you about how I felt about it. I feel like it's ridiculous that I hate stuff like that at my age, and that's why I never mentioned anything."

He teared up more hearing that. "Raq you can tell us about stuff like this. Don't ever be afraid to tell us, no matter how much you think it's ridiculous. We want to know stuff like this so we can make it easier for you to manage things like that."

She nods, sighing. "I appreciate the reassurance about this. I feel better about it since I came to you about how I felt. I should tell the others too, especially Rydel. She could tell something was wrong from the beginning of it, but I told her things were okay."

He nods. "You definitely need to tell the others. And don't worry about whether they'll be mad or not. They'll be understanding of this like I was, I'm sure of it."

She nods. She got up. "I think I'm going to go tell them now. Will you come with?"

He got up. "Of course I'll come with. They don't know that I know this, so they would call me anyway, so let's go."

She nods, and they both headed downstairs. She took deep breaths as they did, preparing herself to talk about it again, but with the others.

*soon after she told the others*

Well, that conversation went well. Like Ellington, everyone was supportive of her saying that Red Velvet was uncomfortable for her. Ross even said that they can redo the recording, but not have her sing in it so she was comfortable again, which Raquel said that she would love that.

Rydel, along with the others, told her to never be scared to tell them about something like this and that they will always understand no matter what and Raquel understood. She didn't cry like she thought she would surprisingly. She's just glad that she told everyone about this and doesn't have to keep a secret anymore. So she can say that today was a good day after all instead of a bad one because of them recording Red Velvet.

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