Origin Story of Hannah Tygotta and the Beginning of Fun With Hannah

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Thursday, January 1, 2015-Sanches Home-10:00 P.M.

My parents died because of a fire in our house. No, my last name is not Sanchez, but it is the name of the family I am staying at until Our Family Nest comes to Tennessee and picks me up. Yes, I am going to live with total strangers for the rest of my childhood, but hey, they are my favorite YouTube channel and I wanted to live with them anyway. My actual last name is Tygotta. Weird right? Yes! Anyway, today my best friend Sarah told me to start writing in ways like this [The way I am writing this now] and I told her I would do it and look at me now. I am doing something that my best friend wanted me to do with her.

Friday, January 2, 2015-Bathroom Stall in School-10:00 A.M.

Today is my last day at my school. After today, I would start going to the school the middle school aged children in Our Family Nest go to in Michigan. I don't know what part of Michigan yet, But I know that I would be living with my favorite YouTube channel in their hometown. One of my friends is from Michigan. Woopey. Anyway, got to go back to class and continue to learn in Social Studies for the last time.

Friday, January 2, 2015-Our Family Nest's Car-1:30 P.M.

I am in Our Family Nest's car with Candy, Karli, and Chase. Karli said that she wanted to meet me on the day that I was going to start living with them, so she skipped school just to see me. I can't wait to see what kind of adventures I could have with this family. I know something that I should expect, like the kids being up probably until like around 11:00 P.M. or so. Boring. I would just go to bed at either 9:00 on school nights or 10:00 on weekends or when we are on either Spring Break or Christmas Break or all the breaks that there are. That is normal, nothing like going to bed at like 12:00 or something like that.

Anyway, enough about bedtimes for me and others. I was listening to R5, and Karli was sitting next to me while Chase was in front of the car with their mother Candi. Karli was overhearing one of the songs I was listening to and asked me what song I was listening to, and I told her that I was listening to Did You Have Your Fun? by R5. She said she has never ever heard R5, and I told her that one of the members featured in the show Austin and Ally and she was telling me that she knew about Ross Lynch but nothing about the band that I love. I let her listen to Love Me Like That and Lightning Strikes by Rydel\R5 and when the songs were over, she told me to keep playing songs by them and I said that I would and soon, she was singing along with the songs that I played from my iPod touch. Before I knew it, she was obsessed with them like I was, which I didn't mind at all. She gave my iPod to Chase and tell him to listen to a song and he took it and played the song Heart Made Up on You and he too started to like R5 as well. Chase scrolled through all the music that I have with R5 and chose for Candi to listen to the song All Night and when the song ended, she asked who it was, and I told her that it was R5, and she said that she was impressed with them. Yay! Someone I know finally likes songs that I also like!

Saturday, January 3, 2015-Our Family Nest Home-Mine and Karli's Bedroom-8:30 P.M.

I have arrived in Michigan and Our Family Nest's house. I had a nice view of Michigan from the beginning of Michigan to their house and I have to say that I think that I will like living here like I did in Tennessee. Even though I have some of my friend's phone numbers, but I will still miss them so much I think I want to cry right now. Anyway, Karli and I are watching Austin and Ally while I am writing this for you guys. She is working on homework, but I don't have any since I just moved here, and I don't know what the eighth graders at Karli and Chase's school is learning about in each class. I want to say their last name so bad, but they told me not to, even in my diary entries, so I won't say anything about their last name.

The rest of the ride to Michigan wasn't so bad, although it took us 2 days to get there, including the day I was taken from Siegel Middle School and watch as we went past the border of Tennessee into Kentucky. I got to experience what traveling in a car for no more than 1 day. It was tiring, but I got used to it because I might get into some family vacations and stuff like that.

I have no idea what the rest of my life in Michigan is going to be like. Is it going to be fun like they showed in their videos, or are they going to be boring like the family I used to live in. Oops! I spilled my water on the floor! Got to go pick it up and then start getting ready for bed. It's 8:49 right now and I decided to go to bed a little earlier than my usual weekend bedtime.

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