Well... What Now?

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Hannah was in Charms class learning a new charming spell. It was November 1, 1981, the day after her parents were killed by He Who Must Not Be Named. She didn't know that her parents were killed though. She just thought that it was a normal day, with her little brother Harry at home with their parents being well taken care of.

She heard someone come in, but she just focused on reading about the charm they were learning about. She heard voices near where Professor Flitwick was, and she glanced up, and she got a little worried seeing Professor Dumbledore. What's he doing here? He usually only comes into class when something was really wrong and needed to get a student. She wondered who he was going to bring out of class this time.

She saw Professor Flitwick turn to her and she jumped a little bit. She was about to be pulled out of class? Why? What's going on?

"Miss Potter please follow Professor Dumbledore," Professor Flitwick says. "He has something very important but sad to tell you."

Hannah looked over at Rowan, very confused. She didn't know what was happening, and she didn't like it at all. She started getting up, gathering her things.

"Miss Potter you won't need your stuff," Professor Dumbledore says. "You'll be coming back here, but maybe you won't, depending on how you take the news I'm going to tell you. Oh, and Rowan can come with you. She can be a good comfort for you."

Hannah got even more nervous, looking at Rowan. "Let's go." She whispers to her.

She nods, getting up as well. They both follow Dumbledore to his office, and when they got inside and the door was closed, he told them both to sit down. They both sit down, and Rowan gently took Hannah's hand. Whatever was happening, Rowan was going to help her through it no matter what.

"Miss Potter, we got some very sad news to tell you," Dumbledore says. He looked very teary eyed as he was saying that. "I allowed Miss Khanna to come with us because I know you guys are best friends, and Miss Khanna can help you through what you will be experiencing."

Hannah nods, getting scared. "What is it Professor Dumbledore? What's the very sad news you have to tell me?"

Dumbledore sighed, wiping his eyes. "Miss Potter, your parents have been killed. They were killed last night."

Hannah gasped, covering her mouth. "W-w-what?" She started crying. "H-How?"

Rowan squeezed her hand gently, tearing up.

"They were killed by He Who Must Not Be Named," Dumbledore says, looking very sad. "He came to your house last night and killed them with the Killing Curse, and then your house was destroyed in the process."

Hannah gasped, crying. "The Killing Curse? I've heard about that from one of my 6th year friends. That's one of the 3 unforgivable curses in the wizard world..."

"We know Miss Potter," Dumbledore says gently.

Hannah remembered Harry, and she panicked. "Harry! Harry! Is Harry okay?!" More tears came down her cheeks. She couldn't bear the thought that her little brother could also be gone along with her parents.

"Little Harry is okay Miss Potter," Dumbledore says, and she let out a huge sigh of relief. "He Who Must Not Be Named did try to kill him, but the power of love protected him from getting killed like your parents."

Hannah nods, crying. She leaned on Rowan gently, continuing to cry softly. She then noticed that Dumbledore had a bassinet behind his desk, and she was very curious about why he had it.

Dumbledore could tell that she was wondering about the bassinet, and he turned towards the bassinet's direction. What happened next was so unexpected. He was lifting up a 15 month old from the bassinet, and she was wondering who it could be. He turned the toddler towards her, and she gasped as she recognized who it was.

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