Taking Things One at a Time

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Because of her past, Choir has always been afraid to make mistakes. She was almost always yelled at when she does. Even though she is with Vixella and KrypticZeuz now, she is scared they could do the same thing to her. Whenever a mistake happens, a lot of the time she is hesitant to tell them because of that fear she has. Luckily not a huge one has happened yet, but she was scared for whenever that would happen.

She was unloading the dishwasher at the moment, and she was always careful with the dishes whenever she did them. They had never asked her to do that, but it was her job to do it back at home, so she was used to doing them anyway. She was currently wiping water off a plate before putting it up, and she was making sure to have a firm grip on the plate. All of a sudden though, the plate slipped out of her hands and fell to the ground. It had shattered and made a huge noise, and she freaked out. She felt tears come to her eyes, and she shook her head to try to not cry. She was terrified.

She heard Sasha ask "what was that" in her streaming room upstairs, and then she said that she would be right back. That made Choir panic, knowing that she was heading this way and she was going to see the broken plate on the floor. She also heard Zeuz tell his chat that he was going to check out what was going on downstairs and she just felt so panicked.

She soon heard footsteps on the stairs, and she turned to the stairs, ready for Sasha and Zeuz, but also not ready. She took a deep breath as they fully went downstairs.

Sasha gasped seeing the broken plate on the floor, which made Choir tear up a lot. "Choir what happened?" She gently got her away from the spot.

"I-I was just unloading the dishwasher, and I was wiping water off that plate, and it just slipped out of my hand and shattered on the floor. I didn't mean to do this, I really didn't." She teared up quickly, looking down.

Zeus went to her immediately. "Choir it was an accident. It happens. We're not mad at all. Did you get hit with the glass?"

She shook her head. "No, no glass touched me when it shattered. It just more terrified me than anything." She couldn't help but think they were mad at her despite him saying they weren't. It was because of her past though, not because she doesn't trust his word.

Sasha came back with a broom and dust-pan and, with Zeuz's help, got up the pieces of the plate. She could tell that Choir thought that they were really mad at her. "Choir we promise that we're not mad at you for this. Accidents like this happen! It would be stupid to be mad at you for something like this. We would only be mad if it was on purpose, which you didn't do that on purpose. You're completely fine."

Choir nods. She was still overthinking it, but with both Sasha's and Zeu's reassurance,  she felt a little bit better. Soon they finished cleaning up the plate pieces and Choir went to sit down on a chair in a room, taking some deep breaths before going back to unloading the dishwasher. She was now very nervous to unload the dishwasher because of what happened.

Sasha saw that. "Choir you don't have to unload the dishwasher. Usually me or Zeuz do that."

She nods. "It was just my job to do the dishwasher back at home, so I wanted to do that on instinct. I shouldn't have today, otherwise this wouldn't have happened."

Sasha felt bad. "Well, unless you absolutely want to do it and tell us, you don't have to unload the dishwasher here. If you don't feel good, we won't make you do it either. I can do that before getting on stream again if you want."

She nods. "Can you? I'm scared of doing the rest of it because of what happened."

She nods, and went to do the rest of the dishwasher. She was quick about it, which amazed Choir, and before they knew it, she was done with it and she closed the dishwasher. "Just like that, it is done. Choir, like I said, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Just get one of us and we can do it. Even if we are streaming, don't be afraid to either get us or text one of us asking if we can do it for you. Don't worry about what happened today as well."

She nods. "Thanks Vixella, and thank you Zeuz. I appreciate you guys so much." She thought of something. "Can I chill with one of you in stream?"

They both nod, and she smiled weakly. "Vixella I think I'm going to join you for today. Tomorrow I will join you Zeuz."

Sasha nods, smiling. "Well, come on. I'm sure everyone is wondering where I went. We can explain together what happened."

Choir nods, giggling softly. "Let's do it."

They all went upstairs and went to their stream rooms, Choir following Sasha to hers. She still felt a little bad about before, but she felt 100% better because of all the reassurance she was given. As Sasha explained what happened to her chat, everyone was laughing with them as they told the story. Everyone laughing about it with them made Choir feel even better about what happened.

She has to learn that just because she was yelled at for every mistake in the past, that doesn't mean that it will happen now with her living with Sasha and Zeuz. She doesn't have to worry about it now, and she just needs to get used to it and just relax more. She was excited for the future with Sasha and Zeuz, she just needs to take things one at a time.

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