Bertram Has a Daughter?!

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Sarah had been resting a little bit in her room. She didn't go to school that day because she woke up with a bad headache and didn't want to go to school with it, so Bertram, Jessie, Christina and Morgan let her stay home. She was starting to feel better now, so she felt okay to get out of bed and go downstairs.

As she sat up, she suddenly started thinking about how bad her headache was earlier and thought that something was really wrong with her, and she teared up quickly. She quickly got up and kind of ran downstairs to get to Bertram. "Daddy! Daddy!"

Jessie heard Sarah and she got a little confused, walking towards her direction to see where she was going, whether she was going to Morgan or Bertram. She always assumed that Morgan was her father, but she wanted to find out now.

You see, Sarah's father is Bertram Winkle, but not everyone knows that she is his daughter. Christina and Morgan have known since he started working for them because he pulled them to the side and told them within the first week, but he didn't tell the kids, and neither did he tell Jessie when she came into their lives. Sarah always wanted it like that though because she's scared to tell them that she is Bertram's daughter. She's scared because she doesn't want the kids or Jessie to treat her differently because of that fact. The kids didn't like him at first, so that's the main reason why she has never said anything about it to this day.

She went to Bertram and hugged him, starting to cry.

He hugged back immediately, holding her and tearing up a little bit. "Daddy's here sweetie. It's okay. Whatever is wrong, it's going to be okay."

She cried into his chest. "I-I think something is wrong. My head was hurting so bad all day. It's better now, but I really think something's wrong daddy. I'm scared."

He felt so bad, rubbing her back gently and gently reassuring her that she was okay and that it was just a bad headache.

Jessie was watching from the sidelines, and she was confused. She always thought that Sarah was Christina and Morgan's, and now she's finding out that she's Bertram's. She gently stepped out so she could help comfort Sarah if she wanted.

Bertram looked up seeing Jessie come in. "Hey Jessie. Everything okay?"

She nods. "Yeah, just a little confused."

He got worried. "What are you confused about?"

She sighed. "I always thought that Sarah was Morgan's, but I heard her calling out and then I saw her with you shortly after I heard her. She's your daughter?"

He sighed softly, continuing to rub Sarah's back as she cried. "She is my daughter, her mom is just not in her life anymore. She didn't pass or anything, she was just never acting like Sarah was her daughter when she was born, and she left pretty early on in her life. I am all she knows family wise, which I would rather have that than have her in her life and she not treat her own daughter correctly."

Jessie teared up as she heard Bertram talking about that. "Wow. I'm sorry her mom was not really motherly towards her. Every mother should be motherly to their own children."

He sighed. "I know. It is what it is though. I'm just glad she hasn't tried to come back since Sarah was a baby. If she were to come back, I would ask her to leave because she has done enough damage to me and Sarah."

She nods. "I understand. My parents weren't really supportive of me taking this job when I told them about it, so in a way I understand fully because now I don't have an active mother in my life."

Bertram felt bad hearing that. "I'm sorry Jessie that you can relate to her. But hey, you have us, and Christina took you in immediately as a daughter. We wouldn't want it any other way."

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