Jack and Lucille's Missing Daughter

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Fandom: High School Musical

Prompt: Jack and Lucille Bolton (aka Troy Bolton's parents if you don't know) had a daughter named Amelia Jane Bolton when Troy was 2 years old. Soon after she was born though, she was kidnapped by Rachel and Carson Walton, and they moved away from Albuquerque to ensure that they weren't caught. They also changed Amelia's name to Kaylee May Walton to make it not so obvious that Amelia was stolen away by keeping her original name. It's been 15 years, and they moved back to Albuquerque, thinking they were safe. They'll never know what happens though as they adjust back to life there.

Kaylee was on her way to school with her mom, getting really nervous. It was her first day at her new school East High. She was nervous because she didn't know what to expect and how everyone will react to someone new. She had always been bullied, so she was also worried that she would be bullied as well there.

Rachel could tell that she was getting nervous. "Sweetie it'll be okay. You got this. I know what the past schools have been like for you, but I just have a feeling that this school will be different."

"How do you know that though mom?" she asked. "A week into each new school we've gone to, I've started getting bullied. I don't know if it'll be different here or not."

"Just trust me sweetie," her mom says. "I just have a very small feeling it'll be different this time around. This is actually your home town, where you were born. People ought to know that you're from here and not want to bully you."

"I don't think that's how it works mom," she says. "I'm just gonna hope for the best. If I do start getting bullied, I can just go to the principal about it. That's what I've done in the past, and that most of the time always worked."

"Yeah." She soon pulled into the school's parking lot and pulled up close to the school. "Well, you're here. Good luck, and I hope you have an amazing first day. I'll see you after you get out. I love you."

"Love you too mom. See you when I get out of school," she says. She got out of the car then went behind Rachel's seat to get her backpack and lunchbox. She put on her backpack and got her lunchbox into her right hand. When she got everything settled, she closed the door after saying goodbye to Rachel one more time and started heading inside.

She got nervous as she saw everyone walking around the hallway. Some were at their lockers, some were talking to their friends in the middle of the hallway, and some were alone. There definitely were some friend groups, she could tell. Could she get in a friend group while here? There is a possibility, but with her history of how new schools went and everything had went down, she was doubtful. Plus, it was the beginning of the second semester of the school year, so people have had their friend groups for a while. But hey, one can dream of that happening right?

Rachel had emailed the principal for a map of the school for Kaylee. He did email it to her and she had printed it out for Kaylee to use for today. She remembered that she had it in a folder in her backpack, and she quickly got that out and took a look. She needed to head to his office to get her class schedule, which she was excited to see what classes she has.

 The principal had edited the map to where it was very detailed in where everything was. He had labeled everything according to what they were: what each classroom taught, where the gym was, where the nurse's office was, where his office was, everything. He had also put some of the teacher's names down below the map. She guessed that they are some of the major teachers in the school or something. They were Mrs. Sasha Darbus and Coach Jack Bolton. She guessed that, based on his title in the school, he coached a team. She was curious what kind of team he coached. Was it for basketball, soccer, football? She will have to find out.

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