First Day of School

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Monday, January 5, 2015-Our Middle School-Walking around-7:45 A.M.

I am at Karli and Chase's middle school. Candi had drove me here to let me get my schedule and to walk around the school to find where all my classes are. When I tell you that their school is big, I mean it. Their school is huge. I am surely going to get lost in the school, even though I am here now finding where my classes are. Let's hope that I don't end up getting lost, because otherwise, it's not going to be a good day.

Anyway, besides the school being big, it's beautiful. The school colors are amazing together, and the school overall looks like the perfect school for me to be going to starting today. Yes, I start today. I had kind of wanted to start tomorrow instead of today just so I can mentally prepare myself for the second semester in the school, especially since I'm new. I decided that, despite what I want to do, I should have my first day today and, if I need it, I can stay home tomorrow to get mentally prepared for everything. I don't think I'll need it, but we'll see.

Monday, January 5, 2015-Our Middle School-Gymnasium-8:30 A.M.

Well, we have stopped by each classroom for the classes I will be in. We did it in the order my schedule is in, from 1st period to 7th period. I feel okay with the locations of all the classrooms, so I think I won't have to worry about getting lost. We will have to see though because I'm still nervous about that. Fingers crossed that everything would turn out okay.

Anyway, we are now in the gymnasium, waiting for us to be dismissed to go to first period. Karli and Chase are with their friends, so I'm alone, which I don't really mind. I don't want anyone seeing me write in my diary. That would probably start bullying, which I obviously don't want, since it is only my first day at the new school. Honestly, I am nervous about today. Maybe I will need to stay home tomorrow to mentally prepare myself. We will have to see.

Oh, the bell is ringing, letting us know that we need to go to class. I need to go. I'll write back in here after the first day. Like I said, I don't want to be seen writing in here, so I won't write in here until I get home. Wish me good luck because I need it.

Monday, January 5, 2015-Our Family Nest's House-Karli, and I's Room-5:30 P.M.

Well, my first day at school at Karli and Chase's middle school was a success. I honestly don't know what I was so worried about earlier this morning. It was amazing, and I have already made some good friends that I hope to keep for a long time. Karli let me talk to some of her friends during a break in the school day, and they were so nice and sweet. Chase's friends said hello to me, but that's about it, which that's fine. They don't have to be friends with me. It kind of hurt, but it's whatever honestly. I never want to force anyone to be my friends, and if his friends don't want to, then I won't talk to them.

Anyway, all my teachers were so nice today. They welcomed me with nice words and gave a long but simple explanation of all that we will do this semester. After they had me introduce myself to my classmates, which was a little embarrassing, but I dealt with it. Every one of my classmates were nice (as far as I could tell), so I don't think I have anything to worry about. Not yet anyway.

I don't think I'll need the day away from school tomorrow to mentally prepare myself for the semester after all since everything went so well today. We will have to see if I will need a mental break day during the semester. I hope not, but you never know when it comes to school. School can be stressful a lot of the time, and I'm sure that I will need a day away at one point during the semester, especially since it's my first semester here.

Well, I'm going to go downstairs to hang out with everyone. Candi and Ken ought to be starting to cook dinner soon, and I don't want to miss out on that at all.

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