Hospital Heat: Fire in the Hospital

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*Credits to GameHouse Original Stories for the plot of this oneshot scenario! This is based on their game series Heart's Medicine, the game from the series being Hospital Heat!*

Allison had just got done with her 9th shift with the ICU unit, where she had to administer Livax to her and her half-brother Ryan's mom Mathilda throughout the day to try to save her from possible death. After the shirt was over, Daniel, Ryan, Allison, Ruth, and Sophia stayed in the ICU to wait for something positive to happen with Mathilda.

Mathilda had been going through a lot of medical things lately, but after she and Ryan got into a car crash, things were quickly declining for her, and they had to find what was wrong with Mathilda before she passed away. (Play Heart's Medicine: Hospital Heat to find out all that happened leading up to this part)

A little while after, nothing had happened yet, and they were starting to get impatient. Daniel asked if anyone wanted anything to drink, and everyone said yes. Right as he was starting to head out though, Mathilda's health started to decline fast all of a sudden, which made Allison and Sophia run to her bedside.

Ryan asked what was going on, and Ruth said that it was nothing good. Allison chimed in saying that Mathilda's hormone levels are through the roof and that her liver was failing. According to Sophia, the medication somehow made things for Mathilda only worse. They had to think of something to do now. They had to either find the cause of this or face what the inevitable. That made Allison feel defeated a little bit. She had promised Ryan beforehand that she was going to save their mom no matter what, but now she wasn't sure if she could anymore.

Sophia said that they had 24 hours max to save Mathilda. That made Ryan have an episode similar to what Mathilda has had in the past, which caused a fire in Allison's childhood home when she was a child. That's when she discovered that the episodes that her mom and Ryan have had weren't psychological, but instead they were hereditary! That was actually helping them find out what is wrong with her.

*From this point until the next line the **s is from the game itself, so credits to GameHouse Original Series, more specifically Heart's Medicine: Hospital Heat by them, for these next few dialogue pieces (just the dialogue, not stuff outside of the quotes)!*

"Hmmm, so the symptoms are: stress-induced episodes, increased hormone levels, kidney failure, liver failure, and it's hereditary..." Allison says, writing it all down on her clipboard. She then placed it to her side. "Hmmm... it couldn't be paragensis, because that doesn't increase hormone levels..."

Everyone was quickly realizing what Mathilda had, and they tried to get her attention, but she put her hand up.

"Give me a second, I'm thinking..." she said. She went back to thinking, but after another minute went by, Ruth interrupted Allison's thinking process to say Mathilda's diagnosis.

"Allison, it... it's Advanced Herkins Disorder," she said gently, looking really sad.

It hit Allison at that moment, just repeating what Ruth had already said. "It... it's Advanced Herkins Disorder..."

Ryan was really confused. "Can someone tell me what Advanced Herkins Disorder is?" he asked.

Allison started explaining. "Herkins is a hereditary brain mutation in which the brain creates thick extra pathways, mostly connected to emotional trauma. Those pathways can interfere with any part of the brain, and can cause anything from mood swings to motor issues, and even mental disabilities. Once it gets to the advanced stages, the trauma becomes irrelevant... Survival chances drop close to zero..."

*From this point on, everything dealing with the game is just summarized, so I hope you enjoyed this small bit of medical education!*

Allison then went on to say that in order to treat Advanced Herkins Disorder, they needed a top tier surgeon to perform conscious brain surgery on the patient, which in this case was Mathilda. During their conversation the whole time, Quinn, Little Creek Hospital's top surgeon had walked in and heard the whole thing. He chimed in to the conversation, saying that they definitely had a top tier surgeon able to do the surgery. There was one issue though: their neuro-endoscope was sold to the neighboring hospital Queensburrow. They had to get it quick to start the operation if they wanted to have any kind of chance of success with the surgery. 

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