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This is a continuation of the oneshot "Bait", written by FanfictionalWarrior in the book "31-Day MCSM One Shot Challenge - July Edition 2018". If you want to know what happened before reading this, please go to that book and part before reading my continuation of it and also watch MCSM seasons 1 and 2 to understand the full story if you don't already.

As Radar officially passed and his inventory came out, Jesse just stood there, alone and sobbing. She couldn't believe Romeo had done this to them, let alone do this to her intern. She thought he was going to be good from now on, but turns out she was wrong, and now she's left here grief-stricken. Her intern was gone, and there was nothing she could do about it. The storm had also let up a bunch, which was going to help her somewhat.

She recognized the sound of someone else passing and their inventory coming out, and she looked over. It was Romeo this time, he had just been taking longer to go then Radar had. That made her feel quite a bit of anger though in the mist of the sadness. That should have just been Romeo, not him and Radar. How could he do this to Jesse after what she did to save the world?

She looked at the stuff that was in Radar's inventory. The pile of papers that he had with him and that they were talking about over dinner earlier were still there, along with some random things. One thing got her attention though, and that made more tears come down.

It was a picture of her and Radar on his first day working for her, beaming from ear to ear. That day was full of amazing moments between them, and she would never forget that day for the rest of her life. That day she couldn't wait to see what the future held for them with him being there. Now though, everything has suddenly changed, and for the worst.

She gently picked up the picture of them and put it in her inventory. Like what she did with Reuben's raw pork chop, she was going to frame the picture and put it up somewhere in the Order Hall. Possibly next to Reuben's place, she didn't know yet. She wished she didn't have to think of that, but here we are.

She suddenly heard footsteps walking towards her, and she wiped her eyes quickly and took out her enchanted diamond sword. She feared that it was somebody else who was going to try  to end her after Romeo failed.

"Jesse?!" She heard from the person coming towards her, which made Jesse put her sword away because she recognized the voice. Without thinking she ran towards where the voice came from. She soon collided a little with the person who had called out her name, and she gasped seeing who it was officially.

"Petra!" Jesse cried out, immediately hugging her. She let out sobs as she held her best friend there, trembling from the coldness. She was starting to feel it again after the moment of shock that made her not feel it for a moment.

Petra hugged back without hesitation, holding her. She heard Jesse's sobs and felt her trembling, and that really worried her. But that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was getting Jesse the comfort she clearly needs right now.

After a few minutes of Jesse sobbing into Petra's shoulder, she let go. "P-Petra... you won't believe what happened a little bit ago... it was awful and Radar-"

Petra cut her off there. "Woah there Jesse. Before anything, we need to get you inside. You're freezing. You're gonna get frost bite if you're not careful."

Jesse nods. "Let me just get Radar's inventory and then we can go."

Petra's mouth flew wide open as Jesse said that, but before she could say anything, Jesse ran back towards Radar's inventory. Petra followed quickly. She was wondering if she just meant getting Radar and not just his inventory. She was dead wrong though.

As they ran back to where the stuff was, Jesse teared up again seeing it. At this point, some of the stuff had mud on them, which she can very easily get off with no problem. It hurt her badly to see it like that though, especially with what happened that made them like this. She slowly picked them up, tearing up even more as she put each thing in her inventory.

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