Reminders of Reuben

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This is Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 Episode 5, and the times when Jesse was reminded of Reuben, both times in the game and times I imagine Jesse would be reminded.

*When Lukas talks about Reuben's raw porkchop framed* *in actual game, but in my own words*
Jesse and Petra walked into the building with all the treasures they had collected while they were trying to defeat the Wither Storm both times, along with Reuben's raw porkchop. Reuben had been turned into that after dying, and Jesse of course didn't want to get rid of it because he was their best friend.

They both walked more forward, and they recognized Lukas looking at some of the treasures displayed. They both gasp softly, really happy to see him for the first time in a bit.

"Lukas!" Petra exclaimed, running more towards him. "It's been a while!"

Lukas turned around, smiling as he saw them. "Jesse! Petra! It's so good to see you guys! Man, it's been a while indeed. How have you guys been?"

"We've been alright," Jesse pipes in. "We just came back from a temple Ivor lead us to, and we found something so crazy."

Lukas got really curious, but shook his head. "Well, knowing Ivor, he wouldn't want you to tell anyone until he sees it, so don't say anything yet." He looks around at the place. "Man, you guys sure have been busy despite that. You guys have so much stuff here."

"I know," Petra says. "We worked really hard to get some of this stuff."

Lukas looked at Reuben's raw porkchop and he teared up. "Wow, you framed him... I imagine that was hard to do."

Jesse looked in that direction and teared up too. "Yeah... I did do that, and it was really hard."

He sighed. "How are you doing? And be honest about it."

They teared up, facing towards Petra and Lukas. "I really miss him... it still doesn't feel real that he's gone. I half expect to see him running into my room with carrots and oinking at me trying to get me to get up." They started crying a little as they talked.

Petra immediately went to Jesse and started rubbing their back in comfort, tearing up herself. "I'm so sorry Jesse. I can't imagine how it feels."

They sniffled, wiping their eyes. "I feel like it's my fault... I shouldn't have let him jump in the minecart with me to go inside the Wither Storm. That way he wouldn't have been grabbed by it and, because of that, fall into that hole in it and fell to the ground beside the water."

Lukas teared up more as he heard them blaming themself. "Jesse this is not your fault at all. You couldn't have seen that happening while you were in there at all. Anything could have happened, you never know. It was the Wither Storm after all, which is unpredictable."

They sighed softly. "I know... it just hurts."

Petra nods. "We know Jesse. We'll continue to be there for you as long as you need us to for this okay?"

They nod. "Thanks guys."

Lukas sighed. "Okay, I didn't mean to bring everyone down, but we have another thing at hand." And from there, they talked about what they found in the temple Ivor lead them to.

*When they meet Milo and Jesse's building for the secret build club* *made up*
Jesse was making something to impress the secret build club that Milo, the leader of it, put together. They had never seen a pro builder at work before Jesse and the others came along, so they were all intrigued. Jesse was making an iron golem first, and then was later going to build an anvil. They thought that those 2 would be good beginner builds they can show off.

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