Chapter Two

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Sara POV 

"Dane I need you help healing my brother" I say "Maxwell, Krystina, Melissa, Nikki this is Dane, Alexis, Amber, Tommy, Abby, Natasha, Desire and Christy, guys this is Maxwell, Krystina, Melissa and Nikki"

"Hello" they all say in unison

Dane helps me heal Michale as everyone else gets to know each other. Sebastian and Krystina are holding hands as well as Tim and Melissa, Maxwell is watching Dane and I and Nikkil is holding Michale's hand crying. As I put a bandage on Michale's head Nikki moves to the corner of the room and sits there thinking, I tie off the bandage and help Michale over to the corner with Nikki.

"You two talk ok I'm sure you need to" I say giving Nikki a reassuring smile

"So what now" Christy asked

"Sebastian can you help me fill them in on what has happened please" I ask

"Sure" he says getting up

We explain to them what has happened and they look at me and my brothers with concerned looks.

"And look at this" I say as I pull the piece of paper out of my bag I hand it to Abby and everyone else looks at it.

"Why didn't we show that to the queen" asked Michale suddenly, I noticed before everyone looked that he and Nikki were holding hands.

"Because we didn't want to worry her" said Tim

"What is this exactly" Alexis asked

"This, my dear friends, is a letter from our ancestors" Sebastian said with confidence

"You're so confident, it's nice to see you like this"Krystina smiles and lays her head on Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian smiles and blushes, he hands me the paper and picks up Krystina.

"Well before Mr. Romance was interrupted he was saying it a letter from our ancestors and it's our instructions on how to save the realms from Robbie and his Goblins" I say

Tim walks over to me and takes the paper.

"I know you're the guild leader and all but I think you need to explain some things to someone, I'll take it from here" Tim says smirking and gives me a rub on the head " Go talk to Maxwell little sis"

I blush and walk out of the caverns, Sebastian pushes Maxwell out after me. As I turn to sit on one of the rocks Maxwell walks out and smiles shyly at me. I blush red and hide my face from him.

"Why are you hiding from me?" Maxwell asks nervously "You're good at being a leader and being in charge, you look good when you're confident. Could you please explain to me what's going on?"

I put my hands on my lap and look down still trying to hide my face from him.

"I would, if I knew how to, I can't really talk to you without my mind going blank, that's why I didn't look at you while I was talking" I say nervously "All I know is that Robbie is trying to control the Realms and that man in dark is helping him"

Maxwell kneels in front of me and puts his hands on mine. I blush and look at him.

"I told you at the camp that I was trying to protect you, that's what I'm going to do" Maxwell said blushing slightly and holding my hands " You're going to save the realms, that makes you important but you've always been important to me"

"Max..." I start, blushing

Maxwell leans toward me to kiss me and Sebastian walks out of the caverns. I blushed red and stand up.

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