Chapter Seventeen

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Michale POV
Nikki, Toby and I were walking around Pixiewood. Nikki carried Toby with one arm and held my hand with the other. Toby, even though he is ten, had crawled into his sister's arms and quickly fell asleep. I watch silently while Nikki comforted her brother, he would wake upset and she would calm him to sleep again. She is so calm around her brother, so motherly and protective. She would leave me in a moment if I harmed him. Nikki let go of my hand and rubbed Toby’s back, I kept walking with her. Every once in awhile she would look at me to confirm I was still at her side. We walked back to my room at the guild house and Nikki lays Toby on my bed, he sleeps peacefully.
“Did I upset you?” Nikki asked in a sad whisper
“No” I replied calmly
“What’s wrong then?” She pleaded
“Nothing” I reply with the calm tone once again
Nikki walks over to me and hugs me, hiding her face in my chest. She’s scared, I have got to protect her. I wrap my arms around her gently. She starts crying, sobs shake her body.
“Shhh” I try to calm her “Everything's okay”
She cries harder and grips my shirt tight. We need to sleep. I slowly let her go and get my spare cot and pillows. I pick her up, lay her on the cot and lay next to her.
“Michale?” She sobs
“I’m right here” I whisper as I put my arms around her.
She crawls on top of my chest. I pull blankets over us as she curls up and falls asleep. I smile and close my eyes, trying to remember all the fun we had as kids.
We are seven and Nikki has her hair up in pigtails. Toby is two and he follows his sister around everywhere.
“Michale” Nikki whispers “Do you think I’m pretty?”
“I do” I whisper back “Pretty like a princess”
She smiles and giggles, I can see a light blush on her cheeks. Toby jumps on my back and I carry him around. Nikki grabs my hand gently. She is prettier than a princess. The stone on my chest lights up. Prettier than anyone or anything I’ve ever seen. 
The neighborhood bully interrupts my thoughts.
“Hey Dictionary!” He mocked “Why don’t you and the farm baby take your cow home!”
Nikki looked hurt, like she was going to cry. She took Toby off my back and started walking home.
“NO!” I yelled “We won’t leave!”
Nikki stopped and looked back at me. The bully glared at me with the most heated anger in his eyes. I stood my ground. What now, I defended her but how do I not get hurt? As I think the bully walks closer.
“Nikki isn’t a cow!” I yell at him “She’s a farm girl and she’s chubby but she isn’t a fat cow!”
Toby watched me in awe. Nikki blushed and covered her mouth as I spoke.
“She is beautiful! More beautiful than anything!” I continued to yell “She is beautiful and I love her!”
I realized what I said and felt my face getting warm. The bully sneered and hit me in the chest, I fell backward and felt my head hit something hard. Everything had gone black.
I wake up, Nikki still asleep on my chest. She is still chubby but I love her no matter what. I look over at the bed and see Toby awake. He inspects all the things on my shelves but keeps looking back at the photo of Nikki and myself. He looks sad.
“Toby” I whisper
His ears perk up and he looks at me quizzically.
“You’re safe now” I assured “You’re with family”
He smiled a little.
“I know” He whispered “You’re my family”
“My family is your family, little buddy” I smile
He smiles proudly and looks at the picture of the guild with my siblings, Nikki and myself in the front.
“That’s a big family” He whispered with a tear running down his right cheek
“Yeah it is, and you’re a part of it” I whisper
He grabs my little stuffed dragon and lays back down.
“Goodnight big brother” He whispered
“Goodnight Toby” I say as he falls back asleep
I lay there looking at the guild photo until I fall back to sleep.

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