Chapter Six

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Tim Pov

I walked around the Memorial caverns looking at all the interesting plants when a Sanctuary Guard came and asked me to follow him to the Castle. I followed and as we entered my girlfriend Melissa came out and hugged me.

"Hey Beautiful" I said "How are you doing?"

"I'm okay now that you're here hun" She said with a smile

"The Queen will see you now" The Guard said

We walked in and I bowed to the Queen. The Queen nodded and I stood up.

"I understand that you two are some of the best in that Guild" The Queen said

"Everyone in the guild is the best at something Ma'am" I reply

"Well I have a job for you two" She said quietly

"And what would that be?" Melissa asked

"You two are going to be my palace guards for tonight" The Queen said "I received word that Jacob Shadow, who you refer to as Shadow man, escaped today"

"Well I'm the Archer so I'll go up top" I say confused and nervous "Mel do you think you can handle it down here?"

"I sure can" Melissa said smiling

"Thank you children" The Queen said and went back to her throne

I ran up to the upper balcony and Melissa went and stood by the Queen. After about half an hour I started to get tired, just then the doors swung wide open and all of the Sanctuary guards were taken down.

"Leave!" Melissa yelled as she went Brawler and swung her hammer at him

I notched an arrow into my bow and waited for the right shot. Shadow must have seen me because he moved so that Melissa was behind him but I had a perfect shot.

"Mel!" I called out "Get out of there!"

"Tim just take the shot" she yelled "I will be okay, I promise"

I steadied my bow and drew back the string. I can't hurt Mel. I closed my eyes and fired.

"Mel!" I called out

No response. I opened my eyes and almost fell off the balcony. Mel... Shadow just laughed and walks up to the Queen.

"You vile man" The Queen spat

"Yes" Shadow replied "That's me"

Shadow Grabbed the Queen's arm and pulled her close to him.

"I want what is rightfully mine" Shadow said

"I don't know what you're talking about" The Queen replied

I stood on the balcony frozen with dread. I shot my girlfriend.... I killed the girl that I love.

"I think you do" Shadow said, He smiled and kissed the Queen.

Shadow ran out into the darkness and the Queen looked up at me. I broke down in tears and didn't move till the Sanctuary Guards came and took me back to the caverns. Maxwell found me and helped me stand.

"Sara let Sebastian throw a party" He said sympathetically "It might cheer you up a little"

I didn't respond, all I could do was think about Melissa and how she lay in the throne room with my arrow stuck in her chest. Sebastian was walking around in his best casual clothes and he set a mug in front of me. I looked at him and grabbed the mug.

"It's Bumble Berry Juice" He said "I know it's you're favorite"

"Thanks" I replied "But I don't think this will help"

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