Chapter Nineteen

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June 15, 2016
Sara POV
I wake up to the sound of voices. Who is that? I look around and Maxwell is up and moving. He sees me and walks over.

"I heard voices and didn't want to wake you" He whispers

"They woke me up" I yawn

"Poor baby" He smirks "You're awake now, want to go check it out?"

I grab his hand and get up. He hugs me tightly and kisses my head. I smile and poke his sides and he laughs lightly.

"Of course I want to check it out" I say softly "I'm the guild leader, I have to protect everyone"

He smiles and puts my wand in my hand. He kisses me softly and I don't want to leave. He is so gentle, he obviously deserves someone better. I look down as I pull away. I want him to stay with me and I want to stay with him.

"Let's go see who it is" I say softly

He looks hurt and nods. As he leads the way to Timothy's room the voices grow louder. Two boys, men rather, who look like dad with puffy auburn hair stand in the room with Tim. One has scorch marks on his clothes. They both have blue eyes and scars on their arms and faces. I point my wand at them.

"Who are you?" I demand

"Sara" Tim says calmly "This is Tobias and Jason, our older twin brothers"

"Older Brothers?" I question "Since When are there brothers older than you?"

"Since always" The Burnt one says "We had to leave before you were born. I'm Jason by the way"

"Jason" I whisper "Why does that sound familiar"

"Mom kept photo book of us before we left" The other boy, Tobias, said

The burnt one, Simon? walked over to Maxwell with his hand on fire.

"You must be my sister's boyfriend" He sneers "Don't hurt her or some of your possessions may disappear"

Maxwell grabs my hand. Does he think they mean me? Jay smiles and his hand goes out but there are no burns on his skin.

"Jason" I whisper "Pyrotechnic at the school of tricksters and his brother Tobias, a hand magic trickster, graduated today at the top of their class"

"Mom and dad weren't there to see us" Tobias said softly "Probably taking care of you guys"

"They were busy with Finley" Tim mutters

"Finley?" Jay yells "Another sibling?"

Finley? I try to remember. Little baby with Auburn hair and Green eyes. Baby Finn... where are you?

"He's at the school for tricksters learning water tricks" Tim says "He got admitted right away because of his relation to you two"

"Water tricks are dangerous!" Tobias yells "Why didn't you stop him?"

Tobias pushes Tim and he knocks Tiffany over and she looks terrified.

"Boys!" I scold "There are people sleeping, let them rest and be quiet"

I help Tiffany up and a strange kid stands in the doorway. His auburn hair droops over his eyes. Finley....

"Finn?" I start

Jason ignites his hands and the other boys pull out their weapons. They don't look away from Tiffany and I. He pushes his hair up and I see his green eyes. He smiles and there is a gap between his two front teeth and freckles dot his nose and cheeks.

"Sara!" He exclaims "You remembered me!"

The boys lower their weapons as I run over to hug Finn. He doesn't know, the three of them don't know about mom and dad. I start to tear up.

"What's wrong Sara?" Finn asks

"Mom-" I look at the boys "Mom and Dad died Seven years ago"

Fin looks at me and tears up too. Jay and Tobias walk over and hug us, Tim holds Tiffany. Did they already know? Tim must have told them already.

"Max can you-"

I look over at max and he looks pale. He is grabbing his side. Blood covers his hand and a shadowy figure stands behind him. Jason. I was right, Jason walk s out from behind him.

"Hello friends and girlfriend" He smirks

I scowl, Jay and Tobias look confused and Tim pulls out his bow. Tiffany pulls an upset Finley to the back of Tim's room.

"I'm not your girlfriend" I scold " Get away from Max"

"Oh him?" Jason laughs and flips a knife in his hand "He's going to die, someone stabbed him in the artery"

Tobias and Jay finally realize what's going on and use their weapons to beat Jason out of Tim's room. I get closer to Max and check his wound, he is more pale than he was before. That's his renal Artery.

"Max" I panic "Please be okay!"

"I feel really sick Hun" He coughs

I start to cry. I can't fix him. Finn and Tiff walk over and hug me as the boys walk back in.

"Sara, Jason had a poisoned Knife on him" Tim says solemnly "I'm sorry, Max is gone"

Max collapses to his side and lets out his last breath. Tim picks him up and carries him out of the caverns to his family home.


Its been three days since Maxwell died. He was buried on his family plot in Briarwood. I stayed in my home for three days, not wanting to interact with the world. But I did what I had to do after a month. I lead.

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