Chapter Twenty Two

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Timothy POV

I sit with Tiffany at the local café. Simon walks in and sits with his sketchbook. He watches one of the baristas, Kari, and starts sketching.

"What is your brother doing?" Tiffany asks.

"Drawing something he likes. He's 18, he can do what he wants. I respond with a smile.

Today is November 20th, almost a month after Simon and Sebastian's birthday. Simon was rejected by Em and now comes to the café everyday to draw Kari, his favorite barista. Every time he goes up to order his rune stone glows a bit. Kari, being new to the area, has no idea what it means. Kari has only been working at the Ruhiges Café for a month, which is across the street from the Rune Stone Shoppe.

Simon walks up to order and leaves his sketchbook on his table.

"Could I get a muffin and some tea?" Simon mumbles.

His stone lights up slightly when she accidentally touches his hand.

"You sure can, that'll be $2.59" Kari smiles.

He takes his tea and muffin and goes back to his seat, after a few moments he gets up and packs his things. He walks outside and I hear a commotion. Tiffany and I walk out and find him on the ground across from a curly haired girl. There was a pair of glasses on the ground in front of her. Simon look to see who he ran into and his face turns red. His stone glows a bright orange under his shirt and he jumps up picking up her glasses and helping her up.

"I'm so sorry!" Simon starts fumbling

Is that Lucy?

It is!

"No, I should have been watching where I was going" Lucy mumbles as Simon helps her up

She look s at him and blushes lightly. I walk over and pat Simon on the shoulder

"Pick up your sketchbooks before they get dirty" I say softly

He quickly snaps to it and picks up his books. Lucy looks away from Simon and sees me.

"Tim? Dude I haven't seen you since school!" She hugs me and sees Tiffany "Is this your girlfriend? Dang she's cute, she suits you well!"

I smile. "Yeah, this is Tiffany, and that who you bumped into is my brother Simon."

She adjusts her glasses and blushes more. She kneels down and helps him pick up his sketchbook. Their hands brush against one another and they blush. I laughs softly and grab Tiffany's hand.

"Lets let them get to know each other" I smile as I walk away with Tiffany toward Pixiewood.

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