Chapter Seven

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Sara Pov

Maxwell grabs my hands and smiles at me.

"Care to dance?" He asks

"I would love to" I say with a smile

Maxwell holds me close and we dance slowly. Dog Days comes on and I rest my head on his chest. Maxwell rubs my back and rests his head on mine. He hums the song quietly and I wrap my arms around him. An upbeat part comes on and he spins me around and dances in an upbeat way. The song ends and he holds me close. I look up at him and blush. He smiles at me, that smile that only he has, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him softly. I pull away and blush red.

"M-max.. I" I start

Maxwell pulls me close and kisses me back. We both blush and separate lips.

"Sara" Maxwell said " I waited forever to do that, you are the most amazing girl ever"

"Max..." I say "Should we do this? you're going to be a guild member tomorow..."

"Do you have a rule against members dating?" He asks


"Then we should be fine" He says giving his smile again

I smile and put my head on his chest. This is the happiest I've been since I was five. Maxwell wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

"You know" He says "You've always called me Max, never Maxwell"

"Because Maxwell is too formal for you" I say smiling "Max fits you better"

He blushes and smiles. I smile back up at him. He picks me up and carries me out of the room.

"Max?" I ask "Where are we going?"

"You're brother left earlier" He said "He looked sad so I think his sister should be there to support him"

Maxwell carries me out to where Tim is. Tim is standing with another girl. She's joining tomorrow, I should probably get to know her.... but not right now. Maxwell puts me down and I see what's going on. I put my face in Maxwell's chest and cry quietly, Tim hasn't seen us yet.

"Mel.." Tim says " You were one of the best girlfriends I could ask for... you didn't deserve to die the way you did... it was my fault"

The girl put her hand on Tim's shoulder and he grabs her hand. Melissa can't be dead.... she can't be. She was like my sister. Maxwell holds me close. The girl rests her head on Tim's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss" She said "I wish I got to know Her"

"She was amazing" Tim said "You would have liked her, She would still be alive if it wasn't for Jacob Shadow"

The girl looks up at Tim. Tim stares at the ground. The girl lets go of Tim's hand and starts toward the entrance, she sees Maxwell and me.

"Who are you?" She asks

I look up at Maxwell and turn to face her.

"I'm Sara" I respond "The Guild leader, and this is Max my..."

"I'm her assistant" Maxwell said nervously

"I'm Tiff" The girl said

Tim turns around and looks at us. He stares at the ground and walks to the cavern entrance. Tiff frowns and looks at me.

"He's so sad" She said

"He just buried his girlfriend" Maxwell said

"Guys" I say "Let's just go back inside"

Maxwell lifts me onto his back and Tiff walks with us back inside.

"Tiff" I say "You're room is down that hallway, Max, you're room is by mine"

Maxwell blushes and smiles. Tiff looks at us.

"Are you two secretly dating?" Tiff asks "Because I didn't think assistants carried people"

Maxwell blushes more and looks down.

"We aren't dating" I say "Not yet anyway"

"You guys should" She said "You look cute together"

I blush and rest my head on Maxwell's shoulder. Tim bumps into Tiff and blushes lightly, his rune stone glows slightly. Tiff looks at him confused, then looks at me.

"Why is the stone on his chest glowing?" She asks

Tim blushes red and hides the stone and runs outside to Melissa's grave.

"I will tell you about the stones later" I say

I slide off of Maxwell's back and pull my stone out from under my shirt. I lead Maxwell and Tiff to my office and sit them down.

"The stones glow when you're heart rate changes" I say "Usually when it beats faster than usual"

"It glows when you're scared?" Tiff asks

"No" I say "Usually it glows when some you like or love is close"

"So if I do this" Maxwell says standing up and walking over to me "It will glow?"

I blush and the stone glows slightly. Maxwell smiles his kind smile. Tiff giggles.

"So how do you get one?" She asks

"The person whose stone glows for you gets you one" I say blushing

"So why did Tim's glow when he bumped into me?" she asks "He just buried his girlfriend"

"Maybe he feels closer to you since you were out there with him when he buried her" Maxwell adds

Tiff blushes and plays with her thumbs. Maxwell kisses my nose and sits down, my stone glows bright and fades out.

"I guess he is kinda cute" Tiff says "But he's still sad, I don't want to upset anyone"

"I think you could cheer him up" I say "Without flirting of course"

"I can try" She said

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