Chapter Fourteen

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Tiff stood close and her stone glowed. She looked up at me and her eyes lit up with comfort and love when we touched hands. Krystina stood by us and looked lonely. Sebastian had gone down into the lower caves, he was the only one brave enough to go down with the Changelings. Tiff held my hand and rested her head on my shoulder.

“Tim”she said “Why didn't you want to go in the caves?”

“I didn't want to leave you” I replied “I didn't want you to be alone”

Tiff blushed and looked down. I wrapped my arms around her and hold her close. I hug her tight and kiss her forhead, she looked up and blushes causing her stone to glow. I don't want her to think that I'm a whimp. I let go of her and walked over to the lower cave entrance.

"Tim?" Tiff asked "What are you doing?"

"I am going to help Sebastian" I replied

"But..." She started

"I have to show you that I'm not a whimp" I said, looking down the cave entrance

"I know your not a whimp Tim" She said "you don't have to prove anything to me"

I looked at her and she blushes making her stone glow.

"It's not just you" I said "I have to prove to myself that I'm not a whimp"

Tiff looked down and stuck her hands in her pockets.

"Just stay safe" she said "Don't get injured"

"I promise" I say as I lift her head "I'm coming back to you"

Tiff grabs the strap for my quiver and kisses me. We stand there kissing, just listening to the music. Our stones glowing softly in the dark. The kiss lingers and Tiff slowly separated our lips. She looked up at me as our stones faded.

"Please come back to me" She said "I want more moments like this"

"I promise you" I replied "I'm coming back alive"

A small boy climbed out of the lower caves and ran over to Nikki and hugged her. I kissed Tiff one last time and climbed into the lower caves. There stood Sebastian and Mack, they were facing the opposite way as I came down.

"Sebastian" Mack said " we need to get back to Cody"

They ran off and I followed close behind. As I followed them I think about Tiff, about her soft hair and kind eyes. Melissa appeared infront of me and floated along as I was walking. I looked over at her and blushed.

"Mel!" I said supprised "What are you doing here?"

"You promised her the one thing you always promised me" she said smiling "you promised to come back safe"

"You both mean so much to me" I say "I didn't want you sad"

"Your the best boyfriend a girl could ask for Tim" Melissa said "Keep Tiff safe"

"I will, I promise"

"To make sure you keep your promise I got you something " she said "it syncs with your Runestone"

She floated behind me and slipped another necklace over my head. It showed Tiff sitting with Krystina.

"Just hold onto the stone and it will teleportation you to her" Mel said "that way you can keep her safe"

I tucked the stone inside my jacket and keeps following Sebastian. I looked over and Mel was gone. I ran along in the dark, following  my brother and being lit only by the faint glow from my bow. I started to see broken buildings and burned homes. How could all of this happen under our feet? This dosent seem right. Mack and Sebastian stopped by Cody and a young Changeling and started talking. I tried to listen to the conversation but I couldn't hear anything

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