Chapter Ten

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I stand over the graves of my parents and my girlfriend. I'm losing everyone. Soon I'm going to be here by myself. Tiff walks out and grabs my hand, I look at her and blush.

"Tim" She says "That's was brave of you to do"

"I had to" I said "My siblings had the right to know"

Tiff hugged me and blushed. I hugged her back. Should I be hugging her? Should I hug her while standing at my girlfriend's grave? Tiff hugs me tight and cries on my arm.

"Did something happen?" I ask

"My Father" She said quietly "He was killed by Mushroom Zombies protecting me"

"I'm sorry Tiff" I say "I'm sure you're dad was a great man"

She hugged me tight and cried, I stood there with her just so she had some comfort.

"Tim" She said "I know you buried your girlfriend yesterday but... I feel close to you, I don't know why"

I blush and my rune stone glows. Is my heart trying to tell my head to move on? Tiff puts her head on my chest.

"Tiff" I say "I have to go... I'm sorry"

She frowned and let go of me.

"Alright...." She said sadly

She walked away and I stood there by myself. I stared at Melissa's grave.

"I know you're sad about my death Tim but you have to move on" Mel said

I turn around fast and see her ghost.

"Mel" I say "You... But..."

"Son" My mother says appearing next to Mel "She's right, you can't let our deaths ruin your happiness"

"Mom... D-dad?"

"Yes son?" He says appearing Next to my Mom

"Am I living up to your potential?"

"You're living like a young man I would love to know" He says as he smiles

"Tim" Mel says "You're heart knows what it needs, get your brain to listen"

"Thanks Mel" I say with a smile "I miss all of you"

"Tim" Tiff's voice comes over the hill "Tim I'm sorry, I should know better"

"Go get her handsome" Mel says with a smile

She and my parents disappear as Tiff walks over the hilltop.

"Tim" Tiff says "I'm really sorry I-"

I cut her off with a kiss and my rune stone glows bright. She pulls away and blushes red.

"Tim.... what.... why did you kiss me?" She asked

"I was told to move on by some people who mean a lot to me" I reply looking at her "What's your birth month?"

"W-why?" Tiff says with a blush

"Well one so I know when you're birthday is" I say "Two so I can get you a rune stone"

Tiff blushed and hugged me. I felt my pocket get heavy.

"Would your birthday happen to be in May?" I say innocently

"Yeah it is" She said "Why?"

"Mel gave me her stone back before we went on our job" I lied "I have it with me.... if you would like it"

"I don't think it's a good idea to give another girl you're girlfriends jewelry" She said

I look back at Mel's grave and she smiles at me. I looked back at Tiff.

"She told me to give it to the next girl that steals my heart" I said

Tiff blushed and took a step back.

"Put it on me then" She said looking up at me

I pull the stone out of my pocket and slip it over her head. She smiles at me and the stone lights up as it touches her chest. I smile back and kiss her on the forehead. She hugs me and puts her head on my chest.

"I'm sure Mel would love you" I say smiling at Mel's ghost

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