Chapter Twenty

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October 29 2017
Sebastian POV

It's been a year since Maxwell died. I was finally getting used to him. Sara has been devastated and our birthday is tomorrow.

I walk along a path in Merry Vale and find a girl sitting in a strawberry patch, wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. She has short curly purple hair and bright brown eyes. She sits in the patch eating strawberries as I walk up to the fence that frames it.

"You aren't supposed to be in there" I say, spooking her a bit "That's the Mayor's strawberry patch"

She looks up at me and laughs softly.

"I'm the Mayor's daughter" She smirks "Em, Em Ryans"

"Lydia Ryans Daughter?" I ask? "She the best Mayor that Merry Vale has had! I'm Sebastian by the way, Sebastian Webster"

"Webster?" She looks at me and a light red flushes across her cheeks " Like Simon Webster and his guild of protectors? S-Sara Webster I mean, sorry"

Simon? OH YEAH, Sara's masculine name.

"Yeah, I'm her twin brother actually." I hold my hand out to her.

She looks at me with awe

"Her twin?" She smiles "That's amazing!"

"She's alright, a little too stressed out and stuff" I nod

"Alright?" Em asks shocked "He leads the biggest and most excusive guild in the realms, I wish I could meet him, I bet he's amazing"

Em stares at her feet and a light blush forms over her face. This girl must think Sara is a hero or something. I did leave Krystina a year ago, maybe Em would like me.

"How would you like to meet Sara?" I ask crossing my fingers "I throw a party once a month and tomorrow is our birthday, Sara promised me she would be there."

"You mean it?" She asks looking up a bit surprised

"Of course" I smile "Just dress to impress, some men may have an eye on you" I wink subtly

She laughs and shakes her head

"Don't worry I will" she smirks

I smile and stand off the fence.

"Bring some strawberries too, they are Sara's favorite"

If she doesn't work I need to find another girl.

I walk from Merry Vale to Sanctuary, as I'm walking up the hill I hear running behind me.

"Sebastian" Em calls out "Where can I find Simon?"

"Probably in the guild house, try the caverns next to the Queen's Tree"

I continue walking up the hill to the middle of town.

"Introduce Me" She demands

I turn to look at her and she's blushing a dark red. I step toward her and she steps back.

"Don't" She says softly "I've heard of your charades with girls after what's-her-name. I'm into Simon, if you couldn't already tell."

"You're into my twin." I look at her and scan her face "The witch. You built up the courage to tell me you are into her and tell me to introduce you."

Red flashes across her cheeks and under her freckles. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sara walking out of the rune stone shop. Her stone hadn't lit up in over a year and it shattered. Em starts to look mad. Sara is too far away to hear us so I lean toward Em.

"Just because I like Simon doesn't mean anyone who doesn't like you, likes him. I'll find him myself"

"Wait" I start " I have to talk to her anyway, I'll help you."

"Good, I didn't know where he was"

"So probably the caverns, that's where her guild house is"

Sara stands behind Em with her new rune stone around her neck.

"Stop saying her, I'm a boy, my name is Simon." She (He?) says firmly "Sebastian, who is this, your new fling?"

Em freezes and turns red, looking past me.

"How are you a boy, you are my sister"

"Its called being trans and transitioning into how I feel comfortable, numb nuts." She(He?) says. "Again, is this your new fling?"

"Actually, she's yours." I push Em toward Sara (Simon?)

Em's face gets darker red and Sara catches her, Sara's new stone starts glowing and a small glow shines from under Em's shirt. I look at them and laugh lightly.

"Have fun Lovebirds" I smile

Simon (?) stands up helping Em up and holding her arm.

"Sebastian! You know Max died in my arms? Why in the hell would I want to pull someone else into my dangerous life?!" She looks at Em with a slight red tint to her cheeks "I'm sorry you got pushed onto me... I don't mean to hurt you"

Simon (?) Stands up and walks toward the caverns. Em watches sadly and then glares at me.

"How could you do that to your brother?! Why push me onto him? You are such a jerk to him!" She yells at me

Em balances her self and chases after my now brother.

I don't understand what happened... at all.

I find a shady spot to sit and I fall asleep under a tree.

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