Chapter Eleven

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Sara POV

My parents are dead.... They have been buried for seven years.... I hold onto maxwell like my life depends on it and cry on his shoulder. He is carrying me around the caverns trying to calm me down.

"Relax Sara...." He says is a soothing voice "It's okay.. I've got you"

"I wanna go home" I cry

"Home?" He questions

"Home" I cry "I want you to take me to my home in Blackspore Swamp Max... I want you to take me there and protect me"

I cry and grip his shirt tight. He rubs my back and walks out of the caverns, we walk through the center of Pixiewood Hills and I stop him. He sets me down and I kiss his cheek softly.

"I have to get something" I say as I walk to the rune stone shop.

I walk in and look through all the stones. February... where are the February stones... I buy a matching stone and walk out of the shop. Maxwell leans on the fence by the post box and there are girls flirting with him. I get mad and storm over and stand next to him.

"See ladies" He says "She's my girlfriend, so leave me alone please"

I blush red and look up at him. He gives me his smile and I kiss him.

"You never asked me to be your girlfriend Max" I say putting the rune stone on him.

"Then" He starts and picks me up "Will you be my girlfriend Sara?"

He smiles and I kiss him. Our rune stones light up and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I will Max" I say "You know I will"

Maxwell smiles and carries me to the warpstone. We travel through the warp and land in Blackspore Swamp. Maxwell sets me down and grabs my hand.

"Show me you house" He says smiling at me

I lead him through the swamp till we get to a run down house surrounded by a wrought and warped black iron fence.

"This is your house?" He asks, concerned

"Yeah" I reply "I made it look like this so that people leave me and my stuff alone"

"Wait" He says looking around "You're the Swamp Witch?"

I nod. A young pixie from the Lavender Forest had seen me performing magic outside my house and started a rumor that there was a Swamp Witch that steals your pets. Maxwell smiles and puts his arm around me.

"Watch out for the Swamp Witch" A young girl calls out "Anyone who goes in is never seen again"

Maxwell pulls me over to her. He kneels down so they are at the same eye level and looks her in the eyes. He would make an amazing dad. I blush red. Why did I just think that? Where did that idea come from? Maxwell talks to the young girl.

"She went in there" He said, pointing at me "And look she's real as ever"

He grabs my hand and our stones glow. The little girl looks at me in awe.

"How did you escape?" She asked "What did you see?"

"She told me everything" Maxwell says in an excited tone "She beat the Swamp Witch with her own magic and rescued all the people trapped in there, she let all the animals lose and she locked the Swamp Witch in the cellar of the house, but i still don't recommend going in there, I hear the Swamp Witch uses her magic to trap people in the house with her"

The little girl stares at me like I'm her hero. Maxwell stands up and holds my hand.

"And now I was sworn to protect her" He says smiling at me "Keep her safe from the Swamp Witch

I blush and hide my face. The girl runs off to join her friends and tell them the story of me escaping the Swamp Witch.

"You didn't have to do that Max" I say blushing

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't exaggerate something that didn't happen?" He replied giving me his smile

I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. He blushes and out stones glow bright.

"Max" I say "You're the best boyfriend a girl could ask for"

"You're the best girlfriend a guy could ask for" He replies "You're under all this stress and you're still a Guild leader"

I blush and hide my face in his chest.

"So many compliments" I say "How do you memorise all of them"

He smiles and picks me up. I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. He's right, I am under stress... When is the last time I actually slept in a bed? I slowly fall asleep on Maxwell and he carries me inside my house.

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