Chapter Twelve

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Sebastian POV

I walked out of my brothers room. I walked to the Changeling cavern and sat at the top of the ladder. Why did we do that? Why did we put more stress on Sara? I sit there thinking as two Changelings climbs up the ladder and sits across from me.

"What are you doing?" The girl asks

I look up and she looks like Krystina, but she doesn't have a stone. I look at the guy and he looks like me.

"I'm just sitting here thinking" I reply "You guys look like Me and my girlfriend"

As I say that Krystina walks down and screams.

"Changelings!" She yells

The Changelings jump and climbs back down the ladder. I look at Krystina confused.

"Changelings will kidnap you and turn you into one of them!" She says

"Do you realize how silly that sounds to me?" I reply smiling "Come back on up guys, she thinks you're gonna kidnap me"

"Why would we do that?" The boy Changeling calls up

"I don't know" I reply "I guess that's what people think"

The Changelings climbs back up as Krystina sits next to me. She looks at them then at me.

"Introduce yourselves" I say to the Changelings

"I'm Cody" The male Changeling said "And she's Mack"

"Hello" Mack says

"Hi" I respond

"Wait" Krystina says "Cody and Mack? Those are our nicknames"

"They are?" Cody asks

"We are the Changelings of them dork" Mack said

I laugh and smile. Krystina looks at me scared and lays her head on my shoulder.

"So what did you two come up here for?" I ask

"We came looking for help" Cody says "The Changelings are being captured"


"Robgoblins and Mushroom Zombies" Mack said "They come at night and take Changelings without the others knowing"

"They work for Robbie..." I say "But how do they know where the Changelings are? You guys hide under our Guild house..."

Jason walks down and laughs. He is surrounded by Robgoblins and two Mushroom Zombies.

"You're all so dumb" He says "I'm leading these guys right to the Changelings"

I stand up and go Ninja.

"Jason" I say "You sleazy jerk, you're a double agent for Robbie"

"Oh!" He says smiling "The idiot got it right!"

Krystina, Mack and Cody hide behind me. I reach into my pocket and push an alarm button that alerts my siblings when one of us is in trouble. Sara and Maxwell appeared with a teleportation spell. Tim and Michale ran down followed by Nikki and Tiff who stayed near the top of the ramp. Maxwell went Brawler, Tim went Archer and Michale went Warrior.

"Well look who decided to join the party" Jason said smiling at Sara

He walked over to her and ripped her runestone off and throws it in the pool. Maxwell runs after it and stops at the edge of the shore.

"You're buddy can't swim" Jason says, lifting my sister's head

He pulled her close and she tried to push away. Maxwell turned around and swung his hammer at Jason.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend!" Maxwell yelled

Jason stumbled disoriented and fell into the Robgoblins. The goblins disappeared into smoke along with the Mushroom Zombies. Michale walked into the pool and grabbed Sara's runestone and gave it to Maxwell.

"You two are dating?" I ask

"Yeah" Sara says blushing

Tim ties up Jason and throws him in a cell. Maxwell stuffs Sara's runestone in his pocket and picks her up. Cody and Mack walked out and Nikki screamed and ran to Michale.

"Why is that everyone's reaction to Changelings?" I ask

"Changelings took my brother" Nikki said from behind Michale

"What is his name?" Mack asks

"You admit you took him?"

"There are groups of rogue Changelings that take children" Cody says "We could rescue him, and you could all help us make barriers to keep the Robgoblins out of our homes"

"His name is Toby" Nikki says

I agree to help and Cody says he will look for Toby. Cody, Mack and I climbed down into the changeling caves. We walked along in the dark until I start to see a faint glow. As we walk closer I could see that it was some sort of lanterns using mushrooms as light bulbs. I could now see buildings and houses, similar to the ones above ground, but something didn't feel right. I look around and half the town is destroyed, houses in ruins, buildings in pieces. Cody and Mack stand in silent shock, staring at their ruined town. A little boy and a young Changeling run up to Mack and the Changeling hugs her leg crying. The little boy stares at me and walks over.

"Who are you?" The boy asks "How are you down here?"

"Are you Toby?" I ask "Your sister sent me to find you and take you home"

"I am Toby" He said "Sarah is looking for me? I've been with Cory, these weird green guys in tutu's took me and threw me in a cage with him"

"Whose Cory?" I ask

"I am" The Changeling says through sobs

He holds Macks leg and keeps crying. Cody and mack look at him quizzically.

"I can't find my mommy or daddy" Cory cries

"We'll watch after you" Mack says "Right Cody?"

"Yeah" Cody says half heartedly "We should still make barriers"

"First we have to take Toby up to Nikki" I reply

"Fine" Cody says "But be fast about it"

Mack and I take Toby to the memorial cavern ladder and show him up. Once he's up we run back to Cody.

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