Chapter Eighteen

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Timothy POV
I look at the stone that Mel gave me. Tiff... I run through the cave system

"Tiffany!!" I yell as I frantically run through the caverns.

I look at the stone again, Tiff looks around confused. I reach a three way in the cave system.


Her voice echos from the stone and from down the hall in front of me.
She is a wizard, dont scare her. I run down the hall and glance at the stone. I see monsters surround Tiffany, she is trapped against a wall with most of her weapons in pieces.

"Tim!" She cries.
I run down the hall and notch an arrow into my bow, the air smells wet and dark. I tense up. I try to relax so I can get a good, clear shot when I feel a dark hand grab me and hold me to the wall. Jacob Kidd walks over with Tiff laid in his arm.

"How many of your loved ones do I have to kill" He starts to get louder and eventually yells "To get you outta my way!!"

My heart drops to my stomach. Tiff can't be dead. I struggle to get out of the dark hands grip and off the wall. I will kill Jason Kidd, he killed Melissa and Tiffany!!

"Let me go!" I scream in his face "You killed the girls I loved!! Let me go so I can kill you!!"

Jason laughs and drops Tiffany to the ground. He walks over and gouges a scar into my cheek and fades out. I fall to the ground and crawl to Tiffany, ignoring my own agonizing pain. I place my fingers on her wrist to test her pulse and she snaps awake, shooting me in the face with a blinding spell.

"Timmy!" She squeals and hugs me tight with tears in her eyes "Im so sorry, let me fix it."

She casts a reversal spell and gasps.
"Your cheek" She cries and puts her hand on my cheek, only to pull it away covered in blood

"Im fine, I dont care" I respond "Shadow told me you were dead. You were in his arms, not moving. He did that to my cheek but all I care about is you, you are alive and thats all that matters right now."

Tiff hugs me tight and cries on my shoulder. I hold her close and rub her back.

"Its okay hun" I whisper "I came back like I promised"

Tiffany hugs me tighter. We sit in silence for a long time, I hold her close. Im not going to risk losing her, I cant lose her. Tiff climbs onto my lap and cuddles close to me.

"Tim" She whispers, breaking the silence.


"Happy Nineteenth Birthday" She smiles and kisses my cheek

"What?" I ask, dazed

"Today is June fifteenth" She whispers "Your birthday"

Right, its my birthday. I guess I was to focused on saving Tiffany. Tiff smiles and kisses me softly. Nineteen, Im nineteen today. I kiss her back and hold her.

"What do you want to do today?" She asks

"Cuddle with my girlfriend" I reply quietly with a smile

She blushes and lays her head on my shoulder. We sit and cuddle in silence again. So peaceful, I want this to last forever.

"Tiff" I start "If.... Would you?...."

Tiff watches me and smiles softly as I try to find the right words. What am I doing? Where is this coming from?

"When we are both old enough" I ask "Would you consider, marrying me?"

She blushes as red as a boom shroom.  Why did I ask that? Ive been dating her for a month. I look into her eyes.

"Tiff" I start "I shouldnt have -"

She tackles me in a hug and cuts me off with a passionate kiss.

"Of course I will" She cries "Of course"

She holds me tight. I... I cant believe it. She hugs me tight and cries on my shoulder, holding on like her life depends on it.

"Of course I will" She mumbles "I will"

I smile and hold her, running my fingers through her hair and rubbing her back gently.

"Your crying hun" I say softly

"Im happy" she sniffles "You really want to be with me"

"Why wouldnt I?" I kiss her head "You mean the world to me."

She blushes and smiles. I get up and pick her up, Tiffany cuddles close to me and steals my warmth. She is so soft and innocent, I love her so much. I carry her around the caverns till I find the guild house again. I lay Tiffany down on her bed since she fell asleep on me. She mumbles as I lay her down. Adorable.

"Sleep well beautiful" I whisper as I kiss her forehead.

"Nineteen huh?" A familiar voice says "We've been gone for a while"

I turn around, swinging my dagger in a wide arch.

"Whoa there!" A similar voice exclaims "Calm down Tiger"

Tiger? Is it? I look up as see two identical faces that I never thought I would see again. Identical blue eyes and light auburn hair, wise smiles.

"Jay?" I ask "Toby?"

Tiffany stirs and wakes up

"Timmy?" she yawns "Is there someone here?"

"Timmy?" Jay laughs "Your girlfriend calls you Timmy?"

"Shh" I hiss "Shes tired and you will scare her!"

Tiffany gets up and walk to my side. She grabs my hand and steps closer to me.

"Who are they?"

"Jason and Tobias" I say "My older twin brothers"

"Its Toby and Im the older twin" Tobias groans

Tiffany smiles and hugs my waist.

"Two sets of twins in the same family."

Jason and Tobias both look at me confused. They left when I was four, before Sebastian and Sara were born. What do I tell them?

"Two sets of twins?!" Jay yells "When were they born?"

"October" I reply "Sara and Sebastian, they are sixteen"

"We missed a lot" Tobias whispered

"There is also Michale, the baby" I say "He's fifteen"

"Three siblings?" Jay yells "Three Siblings that I don't know?"

"Yeah" I reply calmly but also hiding another fact from them "but they are sleeping, so be quiet"

Tobias claps his hand over Jason's mouth.

"Shut up" he hisses " let the young ones sleep"

Tiffany puts me hand on my shoulders and hugs me gently around the neck. She is warm and I love her so much. I can't ever lose her, I would die if I did.

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