Chapter Fifteen

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Sara POV

I stare frozen, broken. Jason ripped my stone off... he ripped my heart for Max off and threw it in the water. He's trying to steal me from Max. Max would never let that happen... Right? looked up at Maxwell. He was staring at me and he blushed when I looked. His stone was glowing so bright it was like my stone was in his hand. I thought Jason threw my stone in the water, how would Max have it? Maxwell pulls me close and slips my stone over my head and kisses me. I kiss him back and blush.

"How...." I start "How did you get my stone?"

"Michale grabbed it" Maxwell said "He gave it to me"

I hid my face in Maxwell's chest, he puts his arms around me and tries to calm me down. We walks around the Guild house, past the cells and Jason grabs my arm. He pulls me to the cell bars and uses his magic to get me inside. Maxwell runs over and shakes the bars.

"Let her go!" Maxwell yells

Jason laughs and puts his hands on my butt, he pulls me close and kisses me hard.

"You're mine" Jason said "You should know that"

I try push away from him but he holds tight. Maxwell pulls open the cell and punches Jason in the gut. Jason collapses into a ball on the cell bed, he mutters under his breath. Maxwell pulls me out of the cell and locks it, he lifts me up and carries me to my room. Maxwell lays me in my bed and holds my hand.

"Max... " I say "Stay with me... protect me please"

Maxwell smiles slightly and lays next to me. He puts his arms around me and we cuddle.

"I will always protect you Sara" He says

I smile and snuggle close to Maxwell, I close my eyes and fall asleep in his warm embrace as I drift off I start to dream.


I wake up in a small room with a door, I look around and try to move. My hands are tied behind my back and my head hurts. The door opens and Shadow pulls me out sitting me in a chair. Young Jason looks at me and blushes.

"She's beautiful Uncle" Jason says

Shadow slaps him and hits me. I blackout and wake up on a bed. Jason stares at me and crawls onto the bed.

"Shadow said I could have you" He said "Since you're the only girl"

Jason climbs ontop of me and holds my hands down. I push him away with my feet, Jason doesn't move and stares at me.

"Get off" I say weakly

Jason laughs and kisses me hard. A figure in a cloak busts in and pushes Jason off me, the figure carries me out of the bedroom and into the woods. I look under the cloak and see familiar sandy blond hair and grey eyes. Maxwell smiles down at me.

"You won't be able to remember this" He said "It will seem like a dream but it's the only way you will remember"

Maxwell kisses me and all pain leaves my body.

"I really like you Sara" Maxwell says "I would do anything to protect you"


I wake up fast and sit up. I try to calm my breathing and put my arms at my sides and jump. Maxwell sleeps peacefully with his arm out as my pillow. He's so cute, he's always been there for me. I gently run my fingers through his hair. His stone lights up and he starts mumbling. I lay back down and rest my head on his arm, Maxwell puts his other arm over my stomach and keeps me warm. I drift into sleep again.


I walk through a tunnel being lit only by dim torches. I wander along and see a figure lying on the ground. The figures chest rises and lowers slowly. Their still alive, good. I walk over to the figure and move their hood, I see familiar sandy blond hair. Max... Please be okay. I lay my hand on his cheek and his eyes move under his eyelids. He has cuts up and down his arms. What happened? Another figure lies further down the tunnel, I cast a healing spell on Maxwell and walk deeper into the cave. As I walk I recognise more figures in the tunnel. Abby, Tim, Dane, Michale, Tiff, Nikki, Krystina,... Whats going on here? I hear fighting from deeper in the cave, I peek around the corner into the deep cavern. The rest of my Guild lies on the floor and Sebastian faces off with Jason,both guys are scraped up but Jason covers his left eye with his left hand and holds his wand in his right. Sebastian seems to have taken less beatings and is barely hurt. Jason fires one last spell but misses Sebastian and it hits me


I wake up fast and the room is filled with light. Maxwell stands by the door with his hammer ready, he peers out the door. Whats out there? I slowly stand up and walk over to Maxwell, he jumps and grabs my hand. He's protecting me from something, but what?

"Stay back, Robgoblins broke Jason out of jail" Maxwell says

My last dream flashes into my head and I hug Maxwell tight. He looks down at me and rubs my back.

"Jason won't touch you" He says "I won't let him"

"Max" I start "I had two nightmares, both had you and Jason in them"

Maxwell hugs me tight and looks out the door again. Robgoblins walk through the halls looking for something. They are looking for me... I burry my face in Maxwell's chest. I didn't want this life, I didn't ask for my parents to be dead... I didn't ask to be followed by a kid who thinks he's in love with me... I wish I could just run away, but I can't, I have a Guild to run and a family to take care of... and I can't just leave Maxwell. I start to cry silently.

"Sara" He says "No matter what happens, I will always watch over you and keep you safe"

I look up at him. He cares for me so much... I can't just leave him... I look down and hide my face. Jason won't take me, Max won't let him.... and I won't leave Max. I hug him tight.

"Let me go out there" I say after a moment of silence

"You know I can't let you do that" He says softly

"I'm what they are looking for"

"I don't care" He says "I know what Jason is going to do to you, I can't let that happen"

The Robgoblins vanish and the guild house is silent. Changelings start walking through the halls, I open the door and look around. I see Sebastian, Mack and Cody with a small Changeling boy, the other Changelings walk out of the caverns and and set a spell to keep the Robgoblins out. I run out and hug my brother, I let go just as Krystina walks out of her room. She stands there looking at him in shock.

"Sebastian....." She started

I back up to my door and smile. Max walks out and puts his arms around me. Krystina walks over to Sebastian and grabs his gui, she pulls him down into a kiss and their stones light up the hallway. They separate lips and Krystina lays her head on his chest and cries.

"I thought I lost you Sebby" She cries

"I'm never going to let that happen Krystina" He said softly

Maxwell picks me up and lays me on my bed. He closes my door and sits on the floor next to my bed, I run my fingers through his hair and smile softly. He's so caring...what did I do to deserve a guy like him?

"What did I do to get a guy like you?" I whisper

"You stole my heart" He said "So to be fair, I stole yours"

I smile and blush. He is so sweet. I close my eyes as Maxwell rubs my hand with his thumb.

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