Chapter Thirteen

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Michale Pov

Nikki stands behind me as Sebastian and the two Changelings climb down into the lower caves. I look over my shoulder at her and she cries into my back. I turn around and put my arms around her. She cries harder and hugs me tight. I look around and Sara is hugging Maxwell, Tiff and Tim are standing with Krystina. I look down at Nikki, her brown hair hides her face. I need to cheer her up.

"Tell me about Toby"

She looks up at at me and I wipe the tears from her eyes.

"He's the sweetest boy ever" she said "you would love him and he would learn to love you"

"Learn to love me?"

"He doesn't like any guy who tries to ask me out" she said

"I see"

"He's got bright brown eyes and light brown hair, he's really smart" she says sadly "I wish I knew where he was"

"I'm sure Sebastian and Cody will find him" I reply

Krystina walks off and comes back with with a radio and a stuffed Olaf.

"You guys should have fun, not mope" Krystina said

Krystina went and sat by the lower caves entrance and hugged her Olaf. Maxwell turned the radio on and held Sara close. Tim and Tiff talked and Tiff's stone glowed every once in a while. I held Nikki close and danced with her to calm her down. What seemed like hours later later I heard someone on on the ladder to the lower caves. A small boy climbed up and ran to me and Nikki.

"Sissy!" He said as he ran over

"Toby?" Nikki asked, lifting her head from my chest

"Who is this?" Toby asked " Why was he holding you?"

"Toby" She said "This is Michale, my boyfriend"

I smile and wave awkwardly. He glares at me and hugs his sister. What if he doesn't learn to love me?

"I want to go to Mommy and Daddy" Toby says

Nikki froze and let go of Toby. She buried her face in my chest. Toby looked at me as Nikki cried. I put my arms around her and lets rubbed her back. Toby pushed pushed me away from Nikki and lets hugged her, Nikki looked looked at me.

"Toby" She said "Mom and Dad.....Mom and Dad went missing trying to find you"

"They did?" Toby asked

"Yes" Nikki replied "Michale has been the only one to comfort me through all of it"

Toby glanced at me and looked a little more trusting of me. He let go of Nikki and let her hug me. Nikki hugged me tight then pulled Toby close into a group hug.

"We are a family now" she said quietly

I nodded and put an arm around her and rubbed Toby's head with my free hand.

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