Chapter Three

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Sara POV  (Dream)

I'm in the dark. Laying on the cold dirt floor. I sit up slowly and look around. It's so dark that I can't see my hands.

"Hello?" I call out " Anyone there?"

There's no response. I get up to find the wall. I barely brush the wall with the tips of my fingers and follow it to another wall. I feel my pockets for my torch. I turn it on and look around.

"Where am I?"

"You're safe" says a familiar voice "I kept you safe, like I promised"

I search around and Maxwell appears in front of me. I run over to hug him and he disappears.

"M-max.... Maxwell?" I said scared "Where did you go?"

"This is just a dream" My voice calls out "All your memories collect and are stored here"

Suddenly my torch goes out and I am plunged into darkness. A small light forms and I move toward it, I know I know, don't go toward the light it means you're dying but in this case it was different. As the light got bigger I could see an old memory. I can see myself, my brothers, Nikki and Maxwell. Ten years ago, Michale running around in cardboard armor wielding a wooden axe.

"Sarah, Stay behind me, that plantimal is gonna try and capture you!" Little Michale yelled

Little Sarah giggled and hid behind Little Michale. Sebastian had on his ninja gear and he was sitting leaning on the fence talking to a girl. Tim was sitting in the tree with his bow and arrows pretending to be Robin Hood. Little Me was sitting on the porch with a stick pretending it was a wand and Maxwell was hiding in the bush next to me.

"Guys, this is Maddie" Little Sebastian said "She lives next door and asked to play"

"Hello" Maddie says shyly, blushing

Tim waves from the tree and climbs higher. Michale smashes a potted plant and Sarah squeals. Maxwell pops out from the bushes.

"Hi Maddie, Im Maxwell" He said

"And I'm Sara, I'm Sebastian's twin" I say quietly "How old are you?"

"I'm four" Maddie says confidently holding up three fingers

"That's not four" Sebastian said laughing "that's three"

"That's okay" I said smiling at Maddie "Not everyone is as smart as you Sebby, we are five"

"I'm five too!" Maxwell said confidently then blushes when he looks at me

I giggle and wave my wand at him. He falls over and plays dead. I walks over and poke him with my wand. Sebastian grabs Maddie's hand and she blushes looking at her feet. Maxwell sits up and hugs my legs.

"Four year olds are silly" He said as he stood up

"You're Silly" Sebastian said holding Maddie's hand and putting his wooden sword on Maxwell's chest "Don't call her silly"

"Sebby" I say sternly "Leave Max alone"

Maxwell looks at me and blushes.

"It.. its Maxwell" he said "But.. you can call me Max I guess"

I smile at the younger versions of us and the memory fades. He's always had a crush on me I thought to myself How come I never noticed him? As I think another memory floats toward me.First day of my Guild. I Look around and see all my members, and the few that were kicked for not following the guild rules. Then I notice a tan muscular guy standing off to the side hiding his face in a helmet. I walks over and look at him, as I walk over thirteen year old me stands on a stage and starts to speak. The helmet guy smiles and moves closer to the stage. I catch a glimpse under his helmet and its Maxwell.

"Thank you all for coming" Thirteen year old me says "This really means alot to me"

Everyone claps and Maxwell sits near the back of the crowd. I smile and look on. As the memory fades I enter the dark again. He's always been there for me. He really does care, and what am I doing? Sleeping in my office.

"Don't be too hard on yourself beautiful" Maxwell's voice rings through my head again

I turn around and he's standing there again. I walk toward him.

"I... I'm sorry I never noticed that you were always there for me..." I say almost in tears

"Hey, Remember what I said" He said while smiling "Beautiful girls should have no reason to cry"

I hug him and wake up. I run out of my office to the infirmary.

"Where is Max?"

"He's in room 2B" Dane responded without looking up.

"Thanks History Doc" I say as I run to Maxwell's room

"That's not my name!" He yells after me

I walk into Maxwell's room. Maxwell lays on the hospital bed.

"Max..." I say softly "Please be okay"

Maxwell opens his eyes slowly and looks at me.

"Hey Beautiful" he says with a smile

I walk over and hug him. I start crying and he holds me close. He sits up and rubs my back.

"Hey" he says calmly "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry" I say as I cry "I never noticed that you were always there, always ready to help me"

He stands up and grabs my hands. I look up at him and blush lightly. He turns on the radio in his room and smiles at me. Dog Days by Florence and the Machines plays.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do this" He put his arms around me "I was going to ask you to our eighth grade formal but I chickened out and you went with Jack"

"That was a fun night" I said laying my head on his chest "I saw you sitting with Demi and I wanted to ask you to dance but Jack kept dancing with me and looking over at you and Demi.... Then he quit dancing with me and went to ask Demi to dance...You had already left so I was alone"

Maxwell held me close and we swayed to the music. I started crying into his chest.

"Sara" He said with a concerned tone "What's wrong?... you not want to dance with me?"

"No, I love dancing with you" I said as I tried to stop crying "This song reminds me of my parents... this song and how we are dancing.... this is the same song they listened to before they disappeared"

"I can change it" Maxwell said sadly "Or we could dance different"

"No Max" I say as I look up at him "This is perfect... It's like they want us to dance... They would have loved you"

We dance slowly to the music and I put my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder. Maxwell blushes and wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and close my eyes. The song ends and I look up at Maxwell. He blushes and smiles at me. I put my hands on his chest and stand on my tip toes.

"We should have done this a long time ago" I say softly "I always saw you as a friend, but you mean so much more to me... I thought by having you as a friend I was protecting you but I was really hurting you"

Maxwell smiles

"This is the most fun I've had with you since we were five..." He said "And I was protecting you... you didn't need to protect me. Remember those Mushroom Zombies that attacked your first Guild meeting? I was there right next to you"

Maxwell lifts me off my feet and holds me up. I smile and kiss his nose. Maxwell blushes red and smiles.

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