Chapter Four

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Sebastian Pov

I walked down to Maxwell's room because Dane had told me Sara run down there. I remember when they were little and Maxwell was always following her around, protecting her. The one time she needed him he wasn't there.


I remember like it was yesterday, Sara and I were six and we had just gotten random gifts from our parents. Tim had gotten a real bow and arrow, I got a real sword, Sara got a real wand and Michale got real armor and a real axe. We woke up and our parents were dancing to Dog Days by Florence and the Machines. They were crying and then they kissed us all goodbye for school, when I got home the house was a mess and our parents were gone. I cleaned the house before the others got home so that they wouldn't be freaked out. Sara walked up the steps followed by Maxwell.

"Mommy? Im home!" Sara called out "Maxwell came with me but he has to go soon"

Maxwell blushed and waved goodbye, walking out the front gate and to his house. Sara smiled and watched him leave then ran inside expecting our mother but saw me and frowned.

"Where's Mom?" she asked me

I looked at the floor and five year old Michale and seven year old Tim walked in. Michale ran and threw his school stuff in his room and ran out in his cardboard armor.

"Michale, you have real armor now" Tim said "You don't need the cardboard"

"But I like it... It reminds me of Sarah" Michale whined

"Sebastian!" Sara yelled "Where is Mommy?"

Tim and Michale look at me. Tim runs through the house looking for our parents. Michale starts crying and runs to Sarah's house. Sara cries and runs outside. I stood there silently.


We haven't been in the same house since. I continue walking to Maxwell's room and open the door. I knock and look in and see Maxwell holding Sara up and she's kissing him on the nose. Maxwell's face is red and he's smiling, then he sees me in the doorway and his face turns red and he puts Sara down. Sara looks at me and her face turns beet red.

"Sebastian...." Sara says

"We were just dancing" Maxwell says

I hear Dog Days playing. I glare at him and storm in and put my sword at his throat. Sara freaked out and ran out of the room crying.

"Sara.." Maxwell starts

"Zip it Thunder boy!" I yell "How dare you use my parents song to force my sister to dance with you!"

"I...I didn't ..." Maxwell said

"Lies!" I yell pressing my sword into his chest "Do not take advantage of my sister!"

Sara runs back with Dane and slaps me.

"He didn't take advantage of me" She yelled "He asked to dance and this song happened to be on"

"You were kissing him!" I yelled back "You were kissing him and Mom and Dad's song was playing!"

"Maybe I was kissing him because I love him!" Sara yelled, once she realized what she said she turned red and ran out again

"She.. She loves me?" Maxwell asked

"That's what she said " I snapped

Dane pulled me out of Maxwell's room.

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