Chapter Nine

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Michale Pov

I woke up to darkness, the only light in the room was my rune stone and Nikki's rune stone. I looked at her as she lay on my shoulder. She's so beautiful.. I hate myself for forgetting her. I kiss her forehead and she blushes, Her rune stone flashes quick and then goes dim again. I lean my head back against the wall and try and remember everything. Nikki mumbles in her sleep and cuddles closer to me.

"Michale..." She says softly "Michale where are you?"

I grab her hand and kiss her cheek.

"Right here Nikki" I whisper

She smiles in her sleep and curls up next to me. I smile and my rune stone lights up. I feel like I hurt her by forgetting her. I remember where my accident happened and I remember Nikki's last name. My first accident was right by her family farm.... her dad found me, she played with me until I had to leave. I looked at her again, she yawned and opened her eyes. She blushes red and sat up fast.

"M-michale" She said as her stone light up illuminating the room "I fell asleep on you again didn't I?

"You did" I reply smiling "But I still don't care, you're welcome to do it anytime"

She blushes and leans on me.

"What time is it?" She asks

"Beats me"

There's a knock at the door and she looks up at me and frowns.

"You're leaving me" She whined

"Am not" I said to her "Doors open and we are decent"

Nikki blushed red and smiled at me.

Sebastian opened the door.

"We?" He asks "Oh, Hey Nikki, Michale... I have something you should know"

"Whats that?"

"Do you remember our parents?" He asks

"Not really" I reply sadly "You guys didn't help me at all... I know nothing about our parents"

"Come with me then" He says "Nikki can come too"

I look at Nikki and she shrugs and stands up. I stand up and grab her hand, Sebastian leads us to the hilltop above the caverns. Tim is already out there with Sara and Maxwell. Maxwell stands behind Sara with one hand on her shoulder as Nikki and I walk up. Sebastian stands next to Tim and they stand in front of three graves. What do these have to do with our parents? If our parents are dead then why are there three graves? The third grave looks fresh and I wait for my brothers to speak.

"Michale" Tim says "You may not remember our parents but they were good people"

"Were?" Sara says "Where are Mom and Dad?"

Nikki grabs my hand tight. I look at Tim and wait for him to continue.

"Mom and Dad are dead" He says looking at the ground "They have been dead for seven years"

My mind goes blank and everything goes black. Sara turns and cries into Maxwell's chest. Sebastian catches me and holds me up.

"Wake up Bud" He says straining

Maxwell holds Sara close and Nikki looks up at me. My parents have been dead since I was seven.... they have been gone most of my life... Nikki hugs me tight and I put my arms around her.

"Michale" She said sadly "Lets go back inside.. I can't be out here anymore"

I nod and pick her up, I walk back to my room and lay her on my bed. I lay next to her and she rests her head on my chest. she cries and I can feel her shake.

"I knew your parents" She cried quietly "I almost wished they were my parents sometimes, They raised you good, you always protected me even if there was no real danger"

"I know" I reply "I just feel... lost... my parents were dead and I had memory loss"

Nikki kissed my cheek and blushed.

"I'm here with you" She said laying her head back on my chest "You still have me and you're siblings and you're sisters Guild... it may not be your parents but we are all family, The Guild and you're real family are just one big family"

"Well if that's true then I want to join a Guild" Sebastian says as he stands in the doorway.

I blush red and look at him but I don't move. Nikki blushes and keep her head on my chest.

"You do know you can join the guild and get your own room right Nikki?" Sebastian says

"Yeah I know" She replied "But I like being close to Michale"

"Why are you here Sebastian?"

"I wanted to make sure you guys are okay" He said

"Alright" I said "You checked, now go please"

Nikki curled up close to me and closed her eyes. Sebastian shrugged and walked out closing the door.

"Michale?" Nikki asked softly "You know I'm here for you right?"

"I know" I said with a smile and held her close

"Good" She said with a tired voice

She fell asleep on me and I fell asleep soon after.


I wake up on the beach, Nikki is standing on the shore. She has on a long flowing sundress and her hair is down. I look down at my clothes and I'm wearing a grey button up and board shorts. I stand up and walk out to Nikki. She turns toward me and smiles in such a way my heart seems to melt. She brushes past me and runs her fingers over my arm. I blush and my rune stone glows, she smiles and her stone glows. I grab her hand and turn her around to face me.

"This is the best date ever" She says "You're the most amazing guy and I'm glad you're mine"

I smile at her and take her hands in mine.

"Nikki" I say "I'm glad you're my girlfriend but I want this to go further"

Nikki blushed as I got down on one knee. I pulled a small box out of my pocket.

"Nikki" I say "You make me one of the happiest guys in the realm, I've been in love with you since we were four, and now, twenty years later, I want to ask you this very important question"

Nikki smiles and looks into my eyes. I open the box and hold it up to her.

"Nikki" I say smiling "Would you marry me?"

"Of course I will you big lug" She says and smiles

I stand up and she hugs me tight. She kisses me and I put the ring on her finger.


I wake up and take a quick breath, I look down at Nikki and blush. Did I really just dream about me asking her to be my wife? Nikki put her hand on my stomach and keeps sleeping. I smile and kiss her forehead. Maybe we will last that long... maybe it was just because she is sleeping in the same bed and using me as a pillow. I close my eyes and relax. I fall asleep again and I hold Nikki close.

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