Chapter Sixteen

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Sebastian POV

I put my arms around Krystina and hold her close as she cries. After being in that cold dark cave, this is very relaxing for me. I rest my head on hers and try and calm her down.
“Shh” I say “It's okay Krystina, I’m right here, you're safe”
She keeps hugging me and I pick her up. I carry her around the guild house until she calms down and falls asleep. So adorable, god I love her. I take her to her room and lay her down gently, she mumbles as I lay her down. I smile as I sit next to her bed and her hand gently finds its way to my head and runs through my hair.
I walk along the paths of Merry Vale and I see a girl covered head to toe in freckles. I almost instantly fell in love with her. She’s sitting on the fence looking sad, I walk up to her.
“You alright?” I ask
She looks at me and wipes her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine” She replies quietly
A guy about the same age walks over. He hugs her and glares at me. He thinks I made her cry.  I pat her shoulder and walk away quietly. As I walk an old friend catches up to me.
“Sebby!!” Lizzy calls out “Wait up!!”
I stop and wait for her, by the time she reaches me she is out of breath.
“What's up?” I ask
“Those people you were talking to, who are they?” She asks nervously
I shrug and walk back toward them with a smirk.
“Why don’t we ask?”
She blushes and follows me.
They look at us as we walk back over. The girl looks hurt and upset and the guy glares at me.
“I didn’t make her cry” I say sternly “I wanted to introduce myself, I’m Sebastian Webster and this is my friend Elizabeth Vaughan”
“Call me Lizzy” Elizabeth says quietly
“I’m Seth” The boys says “This is my cousin Krystina”
“Nice to meet both of you” I say
Krystina nodded and looked away sadly.
“Seth, would you like to walk around with me?” Lizzy asked
He nodded and they walked off leaving Krystina with me. I looked at her, she blushed and looked away.
“Is everything alright?” I ask her again
“Is Lizzy your girlfriend?” She asks quietly
“No” I respond softly “Why?”
She lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. Holy cow, is she comfortable with doing this? She looks up at me and I stare into her green eyes.
“Because you're cute” She replies quietly
My rune stone lights up as I blush. I look down and see hers glowing as well.
“Who gave you that ?” I ask
“An old ex that it didn’t glow for” She said looking down
“I see” I reply softly “He probably wasn’t good enough for you anyway”
She laughed slightly and smiled. Dam she has an amazing laugh. She laid her head back on my shoulder, we sat there in silence just listening to the world around us. She sat up and looked at me.
“Sebastian” She said softly “Would you mind if I - “ She paused trying to find the correct words “If I kissed you?”
I blushed almost red.
“I wouldn't mind at all” I say as calmly as possible
She closed her eyes and pressed her lips against mine gently.
I wake up fast, gasping for air. I felt... nothing. That first magical moment we shared, the love we share. Gone. I look up at her, her hand still in my hair. How can I keep this alive? Krystina wakes up and yawns, she looks at me and smiles.
“Morning sleeping beauty” I say quietly
She smiles and brushes my cheek with her thumb. My heart beats fast and my stone lights up and fades. It’s not dead, nothing is gone. I push her hair out of her face and kiss her nose. She giggles but her stone stays dim. She pulls her hands away and and hides her stone.
“Sebby” She starts, sounding scared “Wh-what's happening”
“I don’t know Krystina” I reply quietly
She pulls me closer, pressing her lips to mine. Nothing. Neither of our stones lit up. It’s gone, our connection is gone. Krystina pushes me away and cries into her pillow.
“Whats happening to us?” She cries
“We lost our spark” I say calmly “Do you want me to get your cousin?”
She shakes her head no and pats the bed next to her, her signal for ‘comfort me’. I walk over and sit next to her. As I sit she leans on me. Still no lights. I put my arm around her like I always do. Krystina continues to cry but it slowly quiets down. I look at her, she has fallen asleep. She is so beautiful. I look down but see no light, I kiss her head, no light. I have to end it before one of us gets hurt, once she wakes up and is feeling well I will tell her. I kiss her head again. I have to, she has to be happy.

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