Chapter Eight

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Sebastian Pov

I ran out of the party to find Krystina. She hates me now, she doesn't trust me. She has no reason to trust me, not after how she saw me. I walked to her room and all I could hear was her crying and yelling into her pillow. I knocked softly and I heard something hard hit the door.

"Go away Jerk!" She yelled "I don't ever want to see you again!"

"Krystina.." I start

"Go Away!" She yells again

I frown and sit by her door. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let Maddie get that close to me. I look down at my stone. I have to show her that I only care about her. I stood up and knocked again.

"Sebastian!" she yelled "Just leave me alone! You promised that you would never hurt me like this and that you're heart belonged to me!"

Jason walks up and smiles.

"You hurt her" He said "My time to walk in and steal her"

I push him away and open Krystina's door, shutting it behind me. She lays on her bed, face down. I walk over and sit on the floor next to her bed.

"Krystina" I say "I can prove to you that I only love you"

"How are you going to do that?" She asks through tears

"The stone I gave you" I say "Mine only glows when I'm near you, it wasn't glowing earlier, I promise"

Jason walks in without knocking.

"Don't believe a word he says" Jason cracks "He broke your heart"

Krystina gets up and slaps Jason.

"Get out of my room" She says sternly "And never bug me again, Sebastian is my boyfriend and I believe him"

"Fine" Jason snaps "Just watch your backs, Robbie won't be sparring any of you"

I stand up and Krystina faces me.

"Krystina" I start

She slaps me then kisses me.

"Don't ever leave me" She says "You're my Ninja, I need you"

She hugs me and rests her head on my chest. I blush and hug her back. She forgives me, She really does love me.

"I promise" I say "I won't leave you"

I pick her up and hold her close. I can't ever let her down, I can't lose her. We stand there and hug, Tim walk in and knocks on the door.

"Can I talk with Sebastian?" he asks

"What do you need?"

"Just come with me" He says looking down

I put Krystina down and walk into the hall.

"Whats up?"

"Mel" He starts "She died... I buried her on the hilltop with Mom and Dad. Sara and Michale still don't know that they are up there?"

"Im sorry" I say " And no, I don't want them to know that our parents are dead..."

"We need to tell them at some point " He says


Tim and I are walking in Seaside, Tim is ten and I am eight. We are walking around in the unexplored territories and we wander upon a hidden cove with two bungalows overlooking the cove is a dojo. Tim searches the bungalows and I look around on the beach. I look up toward the dojo and I see the form of a person.

"Tim" I say "There's someone up there"

"Impossible" He says not looking away from his search "No ones been up there for years"

"How do you know?"

"Because..." He says

"I wanna go up there" I say "I need to get better training anyway"

"Whats wrong with who you have now?" He asks

"Jock is old" I say still looking up "Plus he's lazy and has bad memory"

The figure starts falling toward me and lands on the beach behind me. It's a man, dressed in an old Gui. Tim walk out of the bungalow and pulls the man's mask off. He gets choked up and pulls me away. Another figure falls right next to the first one. It's a woman in a wizards robe and her face is covered by a cloth. I walk back over and pull the cloth off the woman's face. I freeze with fear. It's been three years... and now they are dead....

"M-mom..." My voice cracks "Mom... Dad"

My parents lay dead on the beach in a hidden cove. I look at Tim. I'm like dad... I'm a Ninja... and Sara is like mom.. a Wizard.... now our parents are gone.

"What are we going to tell Sara and Michale?"

"Michale doesn't even remember them" Tim responds sharply "And we aren't telling Sara, She doesn't need more stress"

We took them to Sanctuary to the hilltop above the caverns and buried them. Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad.... We are going to miss you. Tim makes headstones and writes the birth and death dates, he puts their names and a small picture of both of them.

"Sara should never know this is here" Tim says "Never tell her about it"

I nod and walk away. I run to the barracks and look at the trainer board. Finding a better trainer, I ran off and I never spoke to my siblings again.


"You said to never tell them" I say

"Nevermind what I said" He snaps "They have a right to know"

Tiff walks over and stands by Tim.

"Whatcha guys talking about?" She asks

Tim turns red and there is a light glow from under his shirt.

"Nothing" He says "We weren't talking about anything"

"Tiff" I say "If you want him to talk, take him outside Pixiewood Hills and stand at the top of the bridge overlooking the water, he will tell you"

Tiff smirks and looks at Tim.

"Come on" she says hooking his arm "You're gonna tell me everything"

I laughs as they walk away.

"Shut up Sebastian" Tim yells over his shoulder

I laugh again and lean on the cavern hallway wall, thinking about my parents and what they left us.

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