Chapter 1

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“Hey Niki!” Raven greeted her through the phone. It was a Saturday morning for Raven, making it evening for Niki. Today was her last day in California.

“Hi, love!” Niki responded, Raven slightly blushed at the nickname. She looks to be outside;walking on the sidewalk. Her camera was pointed to the sky; not showing her face.

“Oh, shit. Did I interrupt you or something?” Raven asked worryingly.

“Oh, no, it’s fine. I was just walking around. What did you need?”

“Well, don’t tell Ranboo but, I’m moving there in Brighton.” She announced excitedly.

“Wh- t! Tha- t’s Ama- zing!”  Niki’s video was laggy and pixelated and her voice cutting out often but her excitement was felt and heard.

“Yeah! I’m planning on packing this morning. All the documents needed are good.”

“Wha- t about coll- ege?” Niki asked.

“It’s the end of a semester so I can move to online classes. So I already set that up.”

“Oh- my god- That is- co- l. Hold on, I’m- goi- ng ba- ck home, your so- laggy.” She said as pixels changed showing that she’s turning around frantically, to go back.

“Oh, you don’t have to-” She was cut off by the ‘call ended’ text popping up on her screen. “-do that.. Hm.” Her voice slowly lowering it’s volume.
Minutes passed by of her staying sat on her bed and scrolling through various apps, to keep herself updated with friends. More to the point: Ranboo.

They really haven’t seen each other in a couple of months due to his busy schedule. They call and text each other, sure. But to Raven, it didn’t feel enough. Raven’s the type of person to prefer watching movies next to each other or going to random places in the middle of the night as a form of hanging out.
  It was rare for her to keep up a conversation, so they haven’t been as close as they were, they still care about each other and Raven knows that. She will never get jealous that he moved to Brighton, or seem to get to hang out more with their streamer friends rather than her.

Her scrolling was interrupted by an incoming call popping up suddenly on her screen. It was Niki, she must’ve arrived at her house. She answered.

“Hey, I’m really sorry for that.” Niki apologized.

“It’s fine, seriously.” She replied.

“Okay. What did you say about college?”

“I’m, uh, already transferred to online class for the next semester.” Raven answered.

“Oh, that’s really good! Why suddenly now, though?”

“I’ve saved up enough money;  extra stuff, my Nana died a couple months back.. but ,uh, I inherited about 500,000 dollars. I would’ve used it the moment I got it, to move there but  I wanted to earn it, you know?”  Raven rambled.

“That’s really good, I’m proud of you.” Niki admired. The sudden compliment caught Raven off guard but she appreciated it. Niki really has been the type to show love through her words, which is not always good for Raven since she can’t always take compliments, she’s grown to getting used to it, though not completely.
“I’m sorry about your Grandma..” She sympathized.

“It’s okay.” Not completely. She was really close to Raven, but she’s been sick for months, so this wasn’t entirely unexpected.

“Why didn’t you want Ranboo to know? I’m sure he’d be ecstatic!”

“Yeah, exactly, so I want it to be a surprise. I’ll just walk in their house like I used to.”

“Do you know their address?” Niki asked.

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