Chapter 10

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"Also, Speaking of Niki." Raven started. A typical evening, Raven has just come home from work with a donut in hand from a full box of it that she bought on her way home. And it was only minutes ago when they started the call and conversation.

"Yeah?" Ranboo said over the phone, by the looks of it, he's in his own hotel room just woken up, the sun shining on the big bed head behind him.

"We kissed." She stated flatly. Days have passed since that happened. Days that consist of the two moving from her flat to the other's, spending hours together.

"I'm sorry?? What??" They said, almost immediately.

"Yeah..." Raven laughed and a tedious idea flashed in her mind, "Welp, gotta go, byee!" She said, showing a wave to the camera.

"Wait no- '' His voice got cut off to Raven hanging up as she smiled to herself.

Raven sat there, continuing to watch shows on the TV and eat her donuts. A few minutes passed and a knock on the door came.

"Raven?" Niki's voice called at the other side of the door.

"Come in!" Raven said from the couch, she sat up and placed her donut in hand on the table with the rest of the donuts in the box.

"Hey, Ranboo texted me." She said as she came in the door.

"Yeah?" She took the remote of the TV and paused the show she was watching the entire time.

"They asked me to be part of the carousel in episode 2 of Generation Loss." She walked up to her and sat on the couch next to Raven.

"Did you agree?" Her tone of voice is soft as always, only having one of their everyday conversations.

"Yeah. And he asked me to ask you if you would come. He also begged that you say yes." Niki said, followed by Raven's smile.

"Of course he did." She says, "I'll come with you for rehearsal, I've already told him that."

"Okay." Niki grabbed a donut from the box. "So," She said with a bite of the donuts in her mouth, "What are you watching?" She looked at the paused show on the screen.

"Oh, just catching up on this show, the new season is coming up soon."

"Good Omens?" She said as the character "Crowley" came on the now unpaused screen. "That comes out in July," She smiled, "It's April, love."

"Well, yeah, but it's a good show." Raven chuckled, "Wanna watch?" She petted the space of the couch next to her. Niki nodded with a smile and sat next to her as they laid back with Raven's arms on Niki's shoulder.

The night passed with them finishing the box of donuts together and both considered it dinner as they drift off to sleep in each other's arms.

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