Chapter 19

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Days have passed since the small but special dance. The holiday is getting closer and both of them have been thinking to themselves and worrying about what to present. On what food to buy for the feast and other activities for entertainment. And though Raven has asked Ranboo on what they could possibly want, she was met with a 'anything is great' response- which she didn't find helpful at all.

"Where can we buy some crackers?" Raven broke the thoughtful silence between them.

"The biscuits?" Niki wondered,

"No, the tube thing. I don't know- the brits have it. With the paper crown and stupid joke in it- I've always wanted one." She rambled,

"Ohh." Niki got the idea, she has wanted one as well, "I think there's one in Kemptown but plenty here."

"Then, we'll just go to Kemptown and buy it with the other things we'll get." Raven said,

"Yeah, good idea love." Niki smiled,

"God, neither of us are British and we're serving the Brits for Christmas. This is difficult." Raven hung her head back at the couch in frustration.

"Then let's get help. Wilbur, maybe?"

"Ooh, yeah. Call him, he's smart." Raven sat back up. Niki soon pulled out her phone and put in a number; followed up with a ringing.

"Hello?" The voice said,

"Wil!" Raven exclaimed, "Are you into traditional Christmas?" She asked, making Niki's brow curl at the strange question.

"What?" Wilbur laughed, "How- How'd you mean?"

"She's asking what you Brits do for Christmas." They laughed,

"Well. Pudding? And eating, like, a lot." He responded

"Pudding?" Raven frowned, "Can we just buy that?"

"I mean, yeah, go to a bakery mate." Wilbur smiled

"Oh. Anything else?" Niki asked,

"A lot more." Wilbur responded,

They spent the next hour looking up where to buy the atrocities Wilbur just said, being terrified of things like Brandy and the British Pantomime. And ashamed of Boxing day.

"Wait, why do we have to wait for the Queen's Christmas speech?" Raven asked,

"Well the King now- she's dead." Wilbur laughed, "And you don't really have to- you don't have to do any of this."

"It's my first year here, Wil, of course I do." Raven said, "But why do they have to have a speech though?"

"Not a clue, mate. They just do." Wilbur answered.

"Oh. Well, thank you!" Raven hung up quickly. And they both laughed it off. And off they went to make a list of things they have to buy for Christmas day.

Though the two have been worrying together about celebrating Christmas. Raven has been worrying by herself. About where and who she's going to spend the holiday with

A got a text from her mother that she has been ignoring since she got it this morning. When are you arriving for Christmas? It said,

She was sitting on the edge of their bed. Back in the cold, dark, empty room. How it has always felt every Christmas. Until just a while ago. She stared at the light of the phone lighting at her face, she stayed like that for 10 mins. And finally came to a conclusion.

Sorry can't make it.l She typed. But hesitated to send. And suddenly the door opened outside and her real family came in. The mere presence of Niki reminded her of everything she was forgetting a second ago. And so, she hit send with a sigh. She got up and came back to Niki. 

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