Chapter 5:

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A couple of weeks has passed since she started living in Brighton. She has already started her job at a restaurant, and gets to hang out every night and all day during the weekends with her friends, but mostly Niki and Ranboo. Her bond with Niki couldn’t get any stronger, they’ve been getting to know each other more.

And though that feeling of being unworthy of her was still there, it didn’t stop her to just enjoy being around each other.

It was 7am when she woke up, it was a weekday so she had work today. She checked her phone to see a notification from Wilbur.
Hey, I have a gig tonight at 6pm. Wanna come? -Wilbur
Yeah! Just send the address :) - Raven

And got up. She got herself ready for the day and cooked some breakfast, and brewed coffee. Her shift starts at 1pm and ends at 6pm since it’s only part time for now. Everything has been normal ever since she’s been here. A night in Ranboo’s house or  A night in her flat with Niki and a whole day with them all.

She’s also been in a couple of streams with Ranboo, Wilbur, Niki, Aimsey and Tommy. Life’s been perfect. Busy, but perfect.

She then decided last night to buy a projector and a tarp for her room, to watch movies from her bed. And so, she picked up her headphones, phone and wallet.

During her walk she saw Niki at a cafe. She walked over to her and said her greetings.

“Niki! Hi!” She said,

“Oh, Raven! Hi!” She stood up and hugged her, like she always does. “What are you doing here?”

“I was just on my way to buy a projector and some tarp for it.” She explained,

“Oh, do you want company? I only have coffee left.”
“If it doesn’t bother you, then yeah, it'd be like that.”

“No, no. It’s fine,” She said as she picked up her phone and said,"Let’s go.” She said as they walked together. 

“So,” Raven chimed awkwardly, “ How are you?”

“I’m good, I’m planning on streaming again today. And you?”

“Oh, I’m okay. Have you gotten an invite to Wilbur’s gig tonight?”

“Oh yeah, 6pm, right?”

“Yeah, wanna come with me?”

“I’d love to! I’ll pick you up at your workplace since that’s the exact time your shift ends.”

“Yeah, I should probably tell Will that I’ll be late.”

“I mean.. If you quit and just streamed..” She teased and laughed.

“Oh god, not you too,” She threw her head back with ingenuine annoyance. “Ranboo has been ‘ convincing’ me to stream ever since I’ve been streaming with him more.”

“He’s got a point. People love you, and you're really entertaining, alone.”

“Yeah but, I’m so connected to you guys, they’ll just know me because of you  lot.”

“Then, show them you’re good on your own. But if you really don’t want to…”

Raven thought to herself, all the pros and cons of this.

“But just think about it more. It’s fun but stressful. But what isn’t stressful in life, right?” Niki continued.


It was the end of the day and her shift was almost done.

She was wiping tables and saw Niki come in and waved at her as she walked up.

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