Chapter 2:

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She woke up to the announcement of a flight attendant through the speakers. They've landed. She looked through her window as other passengers were already getting up and leaving the plane. It was still dark; she wasn't sure what time it exactly was. It was a weird feeling to know that she's been asleep for 9 hours and yet it was still dark like time hasn't passed.

She eventually got her turn to leave. While she was on her way to leave the airport she got a text.

"Hey! I'm in Brighton airport right now, where are you?" It came from Wilbur.

She looked around and even took off her head phones to look around in the airport to find a particular tall British man. It didn't take long when she set her eyes on him, waving as he was walking up to her. She smiled at him and waved back and began walking to him. They met in the middle and said their greetings and hugs.

"Aw, it's so good to finally see you in person!" Wilbur chimed happily while still hugging her.

She chuckled softly as she hugged him back. "It's good to see you too!"

"What are you doing here, man?" She asked as they let go of the hug.

She wasn't even expecting to get picked up by anyone.

"Well, Niki told me your schedule. She was going to get you herself but something came up. So, I offered to take her place." He rambled.

"God, I'm really sorry for the bother."

"No, it's okay. Let's go." He smiled like he has been the whole time; he took her luggage and walked with her to the uber.

They waited not long for the uber and got in the car.

Wilbur's phone dinged with a Text; he opened his phone and typed on his keyboard and soon put away his phone.

"Oh,uh," She chimed in, Wilbur looked at her with full attention, "What time is it right now?"

"Um," He got his phone again and looked at the time " Past 10pm."

"You had to come here so late? I really am sorry. I could've come to you lot."

"Mate, you don't even know how to get through this place, you could've been lost if you tried to leave alone. And I've stayed up later than this before, I don't mind."

She sighed in defeat, she still felt bad but he really did have a point. She's never been here before, and her social anxiety would've been through the roof if she roamed these completely new streets alone.

"Well, thank you, Wilbur." She smiled genuinely at him.

"You're welcome, Raven." He returned the gesture, "And by the way, you can just call me Wil when we're not on camera or anything."

"Right." She said, "So, where are we going?"

"Brighton beach. Since I didn't get to say the address to the uber, we'll just take it from there. I assumed your flat would be somewhat of a walking distance to Ranboo's." Wilbur explained.

"Ah, bingo." She confirmed his assumption, " It's also got a good view of Brighton seaside."

"Really? Maybe we'll all come with you to the beach soon." He said.

"I'm planning on exploring it tomorrow. IF my jet lag would be done by then."

"To be honest, I don't think so. It was a long flight, so maybe you'll be okay by the next day." He commented.

The uber stopped and they both got out of the car to the beautifully lit sidewalk, behind her was already Brighton beach. It was cold, and lights hung up and lit up the dark night sky.

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