Chapter 12

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Sometimes things are forgotten by my mind. And often for
a reason. And on other times, it’s because it's lost or not seen
for a long time. But why is it that the pain of a flu is so easy
to forget whether it passed just a few days ago?
“Oh, god, I don’t feel like eating right now.” Raven said
It has been days since that rain on the beach. More precisely,
about 12 noon. And Niki had just come in with lunch she
bought from their cafe since Raven had been feeling weak all
morning- saying she doesn’t feel like doing much today.
Which was a problem, since it was a work day for her. But
it's a problem she’d rather worry about later on.
They were only enjoying their lunch as usual in Raven’s
kitchen island now. Sitting across each other.
“Aw, I got you your favourite food today. Are you sure
you’re okay?” Niki asked with food still being chewed in her
“I’m not sure anymore. A headache has been coming in ever
since you left.” Raven said while messaging her temple and
her eyes squeezed shut in pain.
Niki settled down her utensils and climbed half way up the
kitchen island and felt Raven’s forehead. Which was really
hot. “I think you might have the flu.” She said,“Fuck.” Raven muttered, “I have work today.”

“Well, you can’t go now. I won’t let you.”

“I have to.”

“I’ll call you  in sick. I’ll be your nurse today, how’s that sound?” Niki smiled,

“Like a sentence I haven’t heard in a while.” Raven smiled back. Like all the pain had just been lifted by Niki’s smile, even for just a moment.

It took a while for Raven to finish her food, since her appetite was already gone and was even close to vomiting multiple times. Eventually she ate enough and was now laying down on her bed.

“Are you gonna give me your German remedies, then?” Raven teased. Funny thing, how she still brings humour even in pain.

“Yep. Good news is, you still get coke.” Niki replied,

“Really? Why?”

“I don’t really know, but that’s what mum used to do.”

“Right.” It really has been a long time since she was nursed by her mum when she’s sick. She would have to push her body to get the things she needed to get well. Because no one was in the house most of the time. First few times this happened was the time in her life when she would realise how alone she was. She would remember her mother’s ways of treating her, and having this imagination in her mind that her mum was here and doing just that for her. And care for her every move and get what she wants while she lies down all day. Those days were bitter-sweet. It was physically painful but her mind gets to rest from every problem she was in the world, no matter how few there were at the time.

Niki left to go to the bathroom. After a moment she was back with a small tub of water with a hand towel in it and a thermometer. She placed the thermometer in Raven's mouth and squeezed most of the water from the towel and placed it on Raven’s forehead.

“This is home my mum does it too.” Raven said after having the thermometer out of her mouth.

“If  I did all my mum’s remedies we would be in a sauna right now, darling.”

“Why, exactly?”

“She believed we could sweat it off.”

The day passed of Niki staying close to her, providing anything she might need. Which she didn’t need to say out loud, nor was she ever going to. Although it felt nice to be nursed again and not have to walk around all dizzy. She still felt guilty of making Niki run around the flat being like a servant. Even with Niki’s reassurance that she didn’t mind and she was happy to help her be well again.

For now, Niki has been out for a while. Saying she’s going to buy ingredients for a soup and medicine. They have decided to drop all the folk remedies of each other's cultures. And go with the modern way of treating the Flu. If they want Raven to be well soon.

Raven heard the door open. “Sorry I took so long.” Niki said from afar.

“I have all the time in the world.”

She heard the clinging of utensils and plates together, the rustling of plastic bags, and soon slicing of things. And many more, with the smell of home. Back when she would wake up to her dad cooking. She would already be able to figure out what he was cooking. He even taught her when she was young but soon forgot everything.

After some time, Niki came in with a hot bowl and a spoon. “Well, I got you some chicken soup. And..” She reached in her pocket and pulled out a tablet of pills, “ Drink this when you're done.”

“Thank you, Niki. Really.” They smiled at each other and Raen took a taste of the soup and made a disgusted face soon after. “This uh..”

“Does it taste bad?”

“It’s not that. It’s just..” Niki took Raven’s spoon and bowl, and gave the dish a taste. Niki couldn’t help but be disgusted too and Raven couldn’t help wanting to laugh at her face.

“Why is it sweet?” Niki said, Raven couldn’t take it any longer and let out a quick chuckle- and a smirk.

“It’s bearable.” Raven said, “I think.” Still smiling- she took the bowl from Niki’s hands with hesitation.

“Wait, no!” Niki took it back quickly, “I’ll get you something else, this is horrendous.” And ran out of the room. Raven was left there- she couldn’t help but smile at Niki’s adorable mistake, how she got embarrassed. And her face after was something else.

The night time came and Raven had finally had her dinner that wasn't a sweet chicken soup.

“Come on, get some rest.” Niki said- helping Raven lie back to sleep.

“Thanks. Again. For everything.”

“It’s no problem.” Niki smiled,

Raven shifted to the side with her back turned from Niki. Niki pulled the blanket upward to her shoulder to tuck her in. After minutes of laying with her eyes closed she could still feel Niki not leaving. And so she turned around and saw her sleeping on the chair.

“Niki.” She called,

Niki lifted her head and blinked her eyes open. “Hm? Something wrong?”

Raven moved on the other side of the bed and petted the vacant side for Niki to sleep on. Niki was surprised, but hesitated, “I can’t let you sleep on a chair,” Raven said

“No it’s okay.” Niki shook her head,

“Niki.” Raven said firmly,

And she gave in. And layed on the bed next to her. Raven turned her back against Niki. Niki did the same.

Only for Raven to wake up in Niki’s arms. Again.

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