Chapter 8

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It was a Monday morning and her birthday. She got a day-off since it was her birthday and her boss was kind enough to let her off.

She hasn't heard Ranboo mention her birthday. No one has. Which she didn't mind, Ranboo has been busy with his project, to set everything up and kept him occupied with meetings after meetings. So she's been alone, since even Tommy was busy with planning and rehearsing his tour, while Wilbur was also rehearsing for his tour and was set to leave for America next month and also be gone for a month.

Hey, Niki! Are you busy? -Raven

Raven texted Niki, who she hasn't heard from too. She spent the entire morning sitting around in her apartment, and had to cook lunch since no one was able to go with her. She continued watching random videos she can find on YouTube.

After a couple more minutes, she heard her phone ring.

Hi, do you want to go to kemptown? -Niki

Yeah, sure! When? - Raven

I'm actually on the elevator to your flat right now. -Niki

She was surprised and soon turned off the Tv and went to her room and picked up a zip-up hoodie, and heard a knock on her door, "Raven?"

She put it on and rushed to the door.

"Happy Birthday!" Niki greeted and held up a crochet dahlia keychain. "I saw a vendor selling these on my way here. It's not much," she looked at the dahlia in disappointment.

"No, it's cute!" Raven admired and took the gift of her hands and observed it with a smile. "I don't carry bags but, uh," she hung the keychain on the pocket of her hoodie. "There we go." She looked back up at Niki with a smile.

"That looks really pretty." Niki giggled, "Well, Kemptown awaits, as promised."

"Oh, yeah, you did promise we'd go there again. I can't believe you remember." Raven closed her door from the outside and left with Niki.

"Ah! Flea Market!"Raven walked to the store they went to before.

"Raven, look!" Niki showed her a walkman.

Raven gasped in excitement "Oh my god!"

"And there's also a music shop nearby, they sell vinyls and cassette tapes."

"That's perfect! My vinyl player is still not used."

They were sitting on a cafe table after walking around Kemptown.

"Yeah, I did see a edit of me on TikTok, it scared the fuck out of me."

"What?" Niki laughed, "Why?"

"I wasn't ready to see myself on my FYP." She laughed

"I told you people love you."

"Speaking of people that convince me to stream? Have you heard of Ranboo or anyone else?"

"Um," Niki tried to think of an answer, "No, maybe they're busy. It is Monday, afterall."

"They're streamers." Raven was suspicious but decided that if it was a surprise she wouldn't ruin it. Though, she didn't like assuming they'd put in the effort for that, for her.

"Ah! They have Cavetown!" Raven exclaimed, holding up a vinyl. They've been looking through the music shop and picking out vinyls and cassette tapes.

"Ooh, I'm picking this up for Aimsey." She picked out a "Midnight" Vinyl.

"You haven't picked up cassette tapes yet." Niki said,

"Oh, shit. Right."

"Here!" Niki handed her a bouquet of various flowers.

"Aww, thank you so much!" She took the flowers and smelled them, the various smells of sweet smelling petals and pollen gave her comfort. To receive such a gift on her special day from someone she... brought her genuine joy. "Wonder what these flowers mean?" She looked at them in wonder, touching every single one.

"Well," Niki teased, Raven noticed she was holding something behind her. "You can find out!" She revealed it and it turns out to be an old hand book of flowers and their meanings. "I bought it in the flea market, behind your back so I can surprise you now!"

"That's really sweet of you!!" She held the book and examined its beige colours due to age. The smell of the pages and color brown of the pages from its long time of existing on this earth. By the looks of it, it could be from all the way back in 1940. The beautiful, cursive, handwritten annotations in the pages made her wonder where that person could be today, if she still remembers this book and the meaning of the flowers.

"I also saw a lamination show somewhere. Want me to teach you something?" Niki said

"Yeah, any day!"

Niki took her book and plucked a flower from the bouquet and put it between two pages in the middle of the book. "By the time we get to the lamination shop, this will be flat and we can laminate it. So we can preserve it." She smiled.

They were walking through the sidewalks of Kemptown and Niki's phone rang. She was texting on her phone while they continued walking. She put her phone away. "Oh, we should head home."

"Why? Did something happen?" Raven asked.

"No. I'm just tired, is that okay?"

"Yeah, absolutely. Let's go." And they continued to walk.

They walked to Raven's flat. They exited the elevator and walked through the halls, "Are you sure you're okay?" Raven asked the same thing for the majority of the walk home.

"Yes,Raven, I'm sure. Stop worrying." Niki chuckled.

"I'm sorry. You just look so pale or something." She got out her keys but her door was already unlocked which worried her. She slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

"Happy birthday!" People yelled.

"Oh my god!" Raven placed a hand on her chest from the surprise.

"Happy Birthday!" Niki greeted and Hugged her from behind. Raven wrapped around Niki's, which is wrapped on her waist. They let go and looked at each other and turned away with a blush.

"Hello!" Wilbur hugged and handed her a guitar, "I told you that was noted." He chuckled.

Raven held the guitar and admired it, "Aw! Thank you!"

"I also have a gift for you! It's in your bedroom!" Ranboo led her to her room.

On a desk in front of the window was a monitor and pc and waved his hands "Ta da!"

"Dude, holy shit!" She covered her mouth in shock.

"This isn't a plot to convince you to stream,by the way. You said before that you wanted to buy one but can't afford it yet."

"I don't know how any of you remember anything I say from long ago." She hugged him with joy and they left

the room.

"Oh, Aimsey!" she rummaged for the bags of things they bought on Kemptown. "I saw this and thought of you!" She gave her the vinyl.

"Thank you! Oh my god!" Aimsey hugged the vinyl, "You're the birthday girl and you're the one that gave me something, this is embarrassing." They all laughed. "Before I forget, here's a journal for you to write on!"

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