Chapter 20

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Christmas eve has come. And although the couple has already bought and even cooked food. The others insisted they buy some things to contribute. And all of them even bought gifts and wrapped them up. Like a Christmas Raven hasn't had in so long. There was even a Christmas tree that's decorated in all sorts of ornaments and lights. One she was most proud of was a TARDIS ornament. A nod to Doctor Who; a show she's been loving lately.

And with that, suddenly her memory and view had a warm, comforting glow again. Something she hasn't seen since she was a kid. She wasn't sitting at home in her dark, dead room after minutes passed midnight into Christmas. She was sitting on the living room floor of a flat she bought with her money. In a country she always dreamed of living in. With the circle of friends she never in a million would ever think she'd ever deserve.

"You got me a fucking toy gun?" Tommy said, after opening a gift from Wilbur. They all laughed.

"Be grateful, child."

"I'm fucking 18, man!"

"You're a mere baby." Jack said

"I got you more plushies!" Aimsey exclaimed, handing an unwrapped plush toy of a duck to Gukkie.

"You were supposed to wrap it!" Micheala yelled

"Fluffiness is a dead giveaway!"

"Open mine, love." Niki handed me a wrapped gift. It really was still surreal that I'm getting a wrapped gift again. Having no clue what could be inside because they didn't ask just because they couldn't bother to remember all the things I've said I wanted.

"Thank you!" Raven said before even opening it, "We've been together all month, when did you have the time to wrap this without me seeing?"

"I have insomnia, remember?"

Raven tore open the wrapping paper, even though she wanted to savour it but she'd look like a grandma who saves paper for next time. It was cassette tapes of all her favourite artists. From modern artists like Taylor Swift, to 70's classics like Queen. It is surprising Niki or anyone would ever keep track of her constantly changing favourite artists and music taste. One other cassette tape stood out. It had no cover. It was an original mixtape called "Metanoia" made by Niki herself. It had songs like "Say You Won't Let Go". The song they sang on the balcony. "Can't Help Falling In Love", the song they danced to on this very living room floor. And many more that described them completely.

Raven wanted to cry. She really did. It was the best thing she could receive from someone she loves. To see the effort of finding a place that still makes these. And even remembering their songs and taking the time to search for songs that made Niki think of her. It was special and precious. A gift she will never, ever let go of, or even lose. Ever.

"This is.." Raven couldn't exactly find the word that's even remotely close to what she's feeling. She stared at the songs listed on the back, more specifically the two songs she treasured most. All the memories flashing before her eyes. With the warmest glow. "Thank you." She smiled whole heartedly with a smile and tears filling up her eyes. And wrapped her arms around Niki tightly. She couldn't see how else these days could get even better than this.

Gift giving passed and they were now eating on the same spot. All the food filling up all the space on the kitchen island and even the counter. "Home Alone" was playing on the TV. Suggested by Raven, of course, to roast Ranboo's game name.

"Guys, we should take a picture!" Ranboo walked to the Living room with a Polaroid camera in hand.

"How are you getting in the picture?" Aimsey asked, their face stuffed with food. God knows which one.

"I can take the picture." Phil raised his hand.

"Then you won't get in." Raven said,

"Okay. Give me that." Wilbur stood up and took the camera from Ranboo's hands. Sat Ranboo down and held the Polaroid so high it was almost touching the ceiling. Pointed it at us with him peeking on the side. They all posed for the camera and with a flash, a moment was frozen forever.

"Fuck that was blinding." Wilbur said- itching his eyes.

"Yeah, your dumbass pointed it at yourself too." Tom said- sitting on the floor next to Freddie and Erin, having their own conversation just now.

"Guys come here!" Jack yelled from the kitchen.

When they arrived Jack was holding boxes that contained the British Christmas crackers Wilbur bought for the meal.

"Ooh, yes." Wilbur barged in and handed out the boxes to everyone. "Didn't you say you want the crown and joke thing, Raven?" He asked- handing one to Raven and Niki.

"You remembered?"

"Of course." He smiled, "Damn, we should've opened these before we ate! That was tradition!" he continued.

Which then the group had their own say about how it's 'too late' or 'bollocks to the tradition' as tom said.

"Alright, but we're taking group photos again with the crowns this time." Wilbur said and no one protested. No one would ever, that's the fun of it.

Chaos would soon erupt from the cracking of it, to wanting the other's colour of paper crown, to the lame joke everyone groaned to and even argued about. Tommy ended up having the pink crown, which he then gave to Niki at her request. Raven was happy with her blue one but offered to switch with Wilbur, who didn't like his green one. Even the mere greeting of 'Merry Christmas' as the clock struck midnight erupted an argument. That left Raven and Ranboo, the only Americans, fighting for their lives.

The Brits claiming it should be 'Happy Christmas'.

"Right," Phil said- holding the paper that contained another joke, "'Peppermint, or-na-ment?'" she asked when contemplating hanging candy canes on a tree." he smiled,

In a heartbeat Tom said, "I hope you get hit by a bus."

"Wipe of that smirk, Phil." Wilbur soon followed

"That really sleigh'ed!" Ranboo said with a voice.

"I'm choking you so you're knocked out 'till new year." Raven said in response,

"Ooh, here's mine!" Jack said, "I'm Claus-trophobic."

"I'm homophobic." Raven said. And the group burst into laughter. Some of them say 'same'.

"Gods, what are the others doing back there?" Raven said,

She decided to take a walk outside in hopes of even recharging her social battery and Niki tagged along. She was one of the few people she doesn't need a social battery for. Everyone stayed behind. Wilbur announced soon after that he brought alcohol. So, good luck to the neighbours.


"Yeah, my Percy Jackson phase is reawakening because of the show."

"They're probably getting drunk up there, and screaming and running like headless chickens."

"Even Tom is drinking?"

"He's legal age in the UK, babe." Niki smiled.

"Oh, nevermind them." Raven reached for Niki's hands as they faced each other. "Merry Christmas." Raven said with a warm smile.

"Merry Christmas, darling." Niki said back.

The night was cold and snowing. There were barely any cars passing by nor any people. It was physically empty and cold this time. But for Raven, her Christmas was warm and full. In her mind and in her heart. To have had the perfect night on a perfect day with the perfect people. With Niki. It was something she could never dream of. Because who dreams of getting back something they've lost? 

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