Chapter 3:

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She woke up at around 9am to a remaining empty living room. After a couple of minutes of scrolling through her phone while still laying on the sofa, she heard the door open.

Ranboo came in with plastic bags containing various small boxes and wraps. "Oh hey!" He greeted, "I went out to buy us breakfast, look!" He held up the bags.

She smiled at his optimism and sat up, "Thanks! What store is that?" She looked at the bag and got curious about the tints of blue.

"Greggs." He announced. He walks to the kitchen to set down the bags on the kitchen island.

"Yoo! Greggs! I've always wanted to try one. What'd you get me?" She asked as she got up to follow him there. And looked at the things he was starting to pull out of the bag.

"A pain au chocolat, not sure if I pronounced that right but that's okay!" He said "And a large vanilla latte." He said as he handed her the cup he pulled out. She immediately drank out of it. "Oh and a sausage roll, mainly because I want you to try it." They both laughed. She got her food and sat down on one of the stools.

"And what did you get yourself?" She asked as she took a bite of her chocolat, "Damn, this is good." She got distracted.

He laughed at her reaction, "Bacon and cheese wrap, Just some hot chocolate for me and a sausage roll, too." He listened and sat down next to her.

"So," He said as they ate, "What the hell are you doing here?" They laughed.

"I saved up enough to move here so I took a flight here last night at like, 8pm." She answered.

"Where are you staying?"

"I bought a 'flat', as they like to call it here, at a walking distance from your house, which is fucking humungous, by the way." They both laughed.

"Dude, how long have you been planning?"

"Well, the savings started at 16, I didn't initially plan to move to Brighton but it's really pretty here. But if you mean, documents and shit, about a month ago."

"And you didn't tell me??"

"Well, it was a surprise! Obviously!"

"That's the best surprise you've done yet!" He argued jokingly

"Also, you've gotta help me find some decorations for my flat."

"Yeah, sure." He agreed happily.

She heard a ding on her phone "Oh hold on," She checked her phone, it was a text from Niki.

Hey! Just checking if you're okay! If you need help with anything like your flat, let me know! -Niki

"Wait, can we take Niki?" She looked up from her phone to ask.

"Of course, I've got no reason to say no." He said while still chewing on his sausage roll. She continued to text on her phone.

Hey Niki! Ran and I are actually going to a shop or something for some decorations. Wanna come with? - Raven

"When are we leaving?" She asked Ranboo

"I'm not sure. After lunch, I guess?"

Yeah sure! What time? -Niki

Ran said after lunch so maybe 1pm? -Raven

Okay! Wanna meet up at the beach cafe for lunch? -Niki

Yeah! -Raven

"Do you wanna go anywhere?" Ranboo asked as she continued eating.

"I'm not sure. I just wanna walk around. Get familiar."


"So, what stores are there here?" She asked.

It's been an hour since their breakfast. Ranboo got ready while Raven waited for him to go to her apartment and get herself ready too.

Tall buildings surrounding them. Blocking the sunlight to touch the ground. But the architecture was what intrigued Raven the most. Roads that were rocks instead of smooth cement made her feel like she traveled back in time.

"Well, plenty. Lots of bars and restaurants, mainly." He answered.

They arrived at the front of her building. And Ranboo stood shocked.

"Wait, you live there?"

"Yeah, Why? Is there something Wrong with it?" She got scared, she had no guidance whatsoever on her picking of flats. She worried about something like being noisy because of being next to the road or anything at all.

"Wrong??" He still stood shocked at her. He held both of her shoulders and pointed her behind them which were the road and railing to the beach and see. "Dude, you live next to the sea." He pointed her body to him, not letting go of her shoulders. She still was confused and growing worried. He then proceeded to point her body to the building they were looking at before. "And your flat has balconies!" He shook her and pointed at the balconies shaking in excitement like a puppy about to go on a walk.

"Right." She shook his hands off her shoulder and looked. "So are you pointing out good things?" Asking to make sure of her assumption.

"Yes! Obviously!" He exclaimed.

"Well, if you like it, why didn't you pick a house or flat out here?" She gestured to the rows of buildings and the long road ahead behind them.

"I didn't know these were apartments, man." he sounded unseriously disappointed.

"You dumbass." She laughed and walked in while Ranboo followed.

They got to her floor; she got her keys and began to open the lock. Something so simple made her happy inside, this key was hers which opened to her own apartment with the money that was hers. Everything belonged to her and earned, no one to dictate her every move or judge it. To imagine that she'll be doing this after finishing her shift on her job or the morning that she spends at Ranboo's house. So simple yet so special.

She opened her door and Ranboo looked around and set his eyes on the balcony he was excited about. "Yo! I want a balcony." He said as he looked down on the road and forward to the sea, he was leaning forward so much it scared Raven that he'll fall.

"This isn't your first time seeing a balcony, calm yourself." She entered her room and opened her bag on the floor. And picked out clothes. Her black wide leg jeans, a usual black cropped tank top, and brown zip up hoodie with a bleached drawing of butterfly wings on the front which she drew herself. Finished with white trainers and her beige headphones.

She set it on her bed and went outside and across her flat to the bathroom. Before she could forget she called for Ranboo. "Oh, Ranboo," He came in from the balcony, "I'm gonna take a shower real quick, just sit on the couch or something. And don't fall off the balcony for the love of god." And immediately entered the bathroom.

"What-" Ranboo cut himself off as Raven went into the bathroom.

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