Chapter 14

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Raven's head shot up from her pillow and looked behind her; reached for the phone on her night stand and looked at the time. "Shit!" She yelled out which woke Niki up. Raven shook Niki's shoulder's to wake her up, unaware that she already is. "Darling, wake up. We're late." She said with urgency and got up from her bed and ran to the bathroom.

"What??" Niki shot her head up as well. Looked at her own phone and looked at the time. "Oh fuck!" She got up and ran to the bathroom with Raven.

"The fucking alarm didn't go off!" Niki said to Raven as she raced through the door.

"It did." Raven said, after spitting out toothpaste from brushing her teeth. "We just didn't hear it." She raced to the shower as Niki just now started brushing her teeth.

"Fuck, Ranboo's been texting us for the past hour too." Niki said as she looked through dozens of texts from Ranboo trying to wake them up too. "Our clothes are sorted out right??" She asked.

"Yeah," Raven answered through the shower curtain. "We laid them out on the couch last night. In case this fucking thing happens." She mumbles the last part. She took the towel and ran out the living room and took her clothes. She then ran to the bedroom and put on her clothes. "Do I really need to put on makeup though?" She asked, putting on her sweater.

"No need, love." Niki answered, walking in the room, fresh out the shower with her hair still wet. "You always look great." She reached for Raven's cheek and kissed her quickly on the lips. She set her clothes on the bed for her turn on putting them on.

"I'll just put on quick skin makeup." Raven said through her blushes and ran back to the bathroom with her make up bag.

"Oh, put the makeup kit in your bag afterward." Niki yelled out, a reminder from her experience of Raven's severe forgetfulness.

Niki's clothes were now on and she ran to the bathroom too with Raven drying her hair with the blow dryer. Niki grabbed Raven's makeup kit across from her and Started doing her makeup. Raven started pointing the blow dryer on Niki as they both laughed.

"Everything is there, right?" Raven asked for the millionth time as they walked through the airport. Pulling both their bags of clothes as Niki carried their tickets and backpacks.

"Yes, love. Stop worrying." Niki smiled.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm worried but also excited but also extremely worried and anxious." She rambled.

"It's okay." She lifted Raven's chin with a finger and placed a kiss on her lips, and continued walking.

The 8 hour-flight consisted of the two talking and watching movies until they fell asleep listening to a playlist Raven created ahead through shared wired earphones. Of course the song consisted of their song; 'say you won't let go' . And majority of it being Taylor Swift. The whole ride they tried their best to distract the other from anxiety, since Raven didn't grow up flying in planes nor is she used to this, she was extremely anxious to even step a foot in the plane. Niki on the other hand, was anxious of having to act in the show and screwing it up for her friend. They both had problems, neither of them were perfect.

They fell asleep resting their heads on each other, on other times, one's head would fall on the other's shoulder. And neither would mind, sleeping like they're in a luxurious bed when close to each other. It was clear to anyone to catch a glimpse of them that they're dating, and very much in love. These strangers would know but the two themselves couldn't admit it yet. And they don't have to right now, they know it.

"Niki! Raven!" Ranboo yelled out as the two opened the door to their hotel room, only to be surprised with Ranboo sitting on one of the beds.

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